During summer vacation, a schoolgirl named Shizuku, who longs to discover her true talents, observes an ordinary-looking cat riding by himself on the train. Intrigued, she decides to follow him. This chance encounter leads her to the mysterious Sei...
Set in the 1960's, Joe Yabuki (Tomohisa Yamashita) lives in a run-down low income ara. There, alcholic ex-boxer Danpei Tange (Teruyuki Kagawa) notices Joe Yabuki's talents as a boxer. But then, Joe gets into trouble and is sentenced into the youth de...
For the first time , the Kamen Rider series is using a high school as background and a high school student as Kamen RIder , Gentaro Kisaragi is the new kid on the block who attempts to make friends at school in his own way . With the meeting up of Ge...
A young woman named Sophie Hatter is the eldest of three daughters living in the town of Market Chipping in the magical kingdom of Ingary, where many fairy-tale tropes are accepted ways of life. She is very deft with the needle and makes the most bea...
In Kyoto, Heiji performs in a movie entitled "Ryoma's Holiday" as Shinsengumi captain Sōji Okita while Kazuha watches off on the sides. The shooting of the scene is going well until Kogoro overacts his role in the movie as a mere extra. After gettin...
Cast: Tang Yifei, Lin Shen, Cao Weiyu, Zhu Hongjia, Hu Jingfan, Li Yan
Synopsis/ Plot
Sometimes it’s hard to cross language barriers. Take, for instance, the YouTube trailer for director Xu Bin’s “The Frightening Night”. Truth be told, I coul...