Do Bong-soon (Park Bo-young) was born with superhuman strength. Her strength is hereditary and passed along only to the women in her family. Her dream is to create a video game with herself as the main character. She desperately wants to become a wil...
Roronoa Zoro (ロロノア・ゾロ?, named after François l'Olonnais) is a swordsman who uses up to three swords simultaneously, holding one in each hand and a third in his mouth.[ch. 3, 5, 28] To fulfill a p...
The story is set in a world where humans with supernatural powers known as Blazers can materialize a Device, weapons made through a person's soul. Ikki Kurogane, dubbed the Failure Knight by everyone around him, encounters a half-naked girl, Stell...
Set in the Joseon Dynasty period. Drama series follows the Crown Prince Sohyeon (Lee Jin-Wook), his warriors Heo Seung-Po and An Min-Seo and a guy named Park Dal-Hyang who is preparing for his military examination.
The series begins with the execution of Gol D. Roger, a man known as the King of the Pirates (海賊王 Kaizokuō). Just before his death, Roger announces that his treasure, the One Piece (ひとつなぎの大秘宝 (ワンピース) Wan Pīsu), will be available to...
“The God of Risk” is a sensational social entertainment drama that revolves around Saigyoji Satoshi, a legendary expert in the field of crisis management who is known as "The God of Risk.” Satoshi worked in crisis management for ...
Based on the original Frame Arms line, Frame Arms Girl features the robots from that line portrayed as anthropomorphic girls, known as F.A. Girls for short, who can be equipped with various armor and weapon parts, includ...
This is Meirochou (Labyrinth Town), the town of fortune-telling. In town, there is a fortune-telling shop called Urara, where girls aspiring to be fortune-tellers come from all over the country. Chiya, who was raised in the mountains, comes to the to...
The movie starts with Junpei being kidnapped by a member of Strega, Chidori Yoshino, while Makoto and the rest are fighting Takaya, Jin, and the Shadow Arcana Hanged Man. As they're fighting, Makoto is knocked unconscious and sees a vision of Phar...
Twelve thousand years in the past, mankind was at mercy of the mythical creatures known as Shadow Angels (堕天翅 Datenshi), immortal winged beings with overwhelming powers and technology. That is, until one of their kind, Apollonius, fell in love w...
Shinnosuke Tomari is a former elite police officer in the Metropolitan Police who after an event that traumatized one of his colleagues has been "demoted" into the Special Investigations Division. This division looks into the stranger happening...
Lux, who was a prince from the Empire that was destroyed five years ago due to the revolt, met with the princess of the new Kingdom, Lizsharte, by accidentally breaking into the bathroom of the girl’s dormitory.
"......How long are you plannin...
Azuma Kazuki is a young boy living with his family on Treasure Island (宝島), a floating island several feet above Earth that is inhabited by giant sentient robots called Buranki (ブランキ), all of which are "sleeping". However, several of ...
Ji-Hoon (Lee Seo-Jin) has a cynical personality due to his family background. Even though he comes from a rich family, his mother had an affair with a married man and they had Ji-Hoon. From a young age, he became separated from his mother and began t...
Maiharu Hiromi has moved to Kamakura Nagasaki, and rides a bicycle to school everyday. Then she meets Akizuki Tomoe, the leader of the girls cycling club. She therefore joins the club and her life gradually begins to change.
The movie starts with Junpei being kidnapped by a member of Strega, Chidori Yoshino, while Makoto and the rest are fighting Takaya, Jin, and the Shadow Arcana Hanged Man. As they're fighting, Makoto is knocked unconscious and sees a vision of Phar...
One day, a four-year-old boy came to a sudden realization: the world is not fair. Eighty percent of the world's population wield special abilities, known as "quirks," which have given many the power to make their childhood dreams of becoming a superh...
Upon passing a school in heaven, graduating angels are sent down to Earth, where they must learn about humans and guide them towards the correct path in order to become true angels. However, Gabriel White Tenma, the top angel in her class, becomes ad...