Hiroshi Totori (Hiroshi Mikami) was a zoology researcher before applying to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. At the age of 43, he is assigned to the #1 investigation team which he hoped to join. Hiroshi Totori relies on his scientific backgr...
Kim Young-soo (Kim In-kwon) is a section chief in the women’s apparel section at Sunjin's department store. He and his wife Shin Da-hye (Lee Min-jung) do not get along because his long work hours and constant overtime distract him from home. Du...
A shadowy society known as "Golden Cross" dominates the Korean economy and marketplace with its deep connections and financial power. Prosecutor Kang Do-yoon gets entangled into their dealings when one of their plots gets his beloved sister murder...
The story revolves around Sistine Fibel, a noble magic-user and her best friend Rumia Tingel. They attend a well-known magical academy, hoping to solve the mystery of the enigmatic Sky Castle. However, a replacement instructor, Glenn Radars, who is r...
In Reborn! a boy, Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, is chosen to become the tenth boss of the Vongola Family, as he is the great-great-great-great grandson of the first Vongola boss—who moved to Japan from Italy. Timoteo, the Vongola IX...
Yuuichirou has reunited with Mikaela at the Shinjuku Battle. But Mikaela was turned into a vampire... To save the \"family,\" and to protect his fellow members, Yuuichirou needed to gain knowledge and power. He searched for ways to bring back vamp...
Eight years ago, a young girl named Haruka Haruno dreams of becoming a Princess like the ones in fairy tales. However, she is always being bullied by her classmates in kindergarten due to her dream. She later met a boy named Kanata who gave her a str...
The "beautiful girl sexy battle action" anime is set on five artificial islands. Mamori is a "mermaid" transferred to one of those islands. When Mamori is attacked, a newly transferred girl named Mirei saves her. The enemy doesn't stop, however, ...
Kazuya Kagami never goes anywhere without the precious "Sakura Obi" his mother gave him. One day a beautiful, kimono-clad girl named Kiriha appeared before him. Kiriha naturally began to live with Kazuya in his room. Then there's Chisato, Kazuya's ch...
A story about Saitama when he still had hair and his costume was a track suit. Saitama continues his routine of defeating numerous villains in the abandoned area in Z-City, but also has problems with rent money. Saitama speaks with a shop owner who...
King Yeongjo (Song Kang-Ho) aspires to become a perfect king due to his tarnished background. His mother is from a lower class and a rumor exists that he killed his older brother to become the king. King Yeongjo then has a son at a late age. He a...
Naruto: Shippuuden is the continuation of the original animated TV series Naruto. The story revolves around an older and slightly more matured Uzumaki Naruto and his quest to save his friend Uchiha Sasuke from the grips of the snake-like Sh...
Even though he's just a student, the protagonist in Wagamama High Spec also happens to be the author of a manga published in a weekly magazine. Since it's mainly an ecchi and romcom type of story, he is actually hiding this fact from most people arou...
In the year Apotheosis 41, Earth is currently home to superhumans and paranormal phenomena of all kinds, from aliens and magical girls to ghosts and transforming robots. However, official knowledge of these beings is officially kept under wraps by th...
Katsuhira Agata is a quiet and reserved teenage boy whose sense of pain has all but vanished. His friend, Chidori Takashiro, can only faintly remember the days before Katsuhira had undergone this profound change. Now, his muffled and complacent demea...
The story takes place in a world where humankind is at war against an enemy called the "Unknown". Children who were evacuated to a cold sleep facility during the invasion by the Unknown several decades ago wake up from their slumber and learn that th...
The story follows 15-year-old Kaho Nikaidō as she leaves home to live in ahigh school dormitory. Almost getting hit by a truck, she is saved by a boy named Kanade Takahashi. She falls in love with him, only to discover that he is her landlord's...
Upon passing a school in heaven, graduating angels are sent down to Earth, where they must learn about humans and guide them towards the correct path in order to become true angels. However, Gabriel White Tenma, the top angel in her class, becomes ad...
Inaba Yuushi's parents died in his first year of middle school, and he moved in with his relatives. Though they did care for him, he could tell he was a burden. After he graduated, he happily prepared to move to a high school with a dormitory. Unfort...