Each episode typically follows the format of a self-contained short story where a person has been suffering torment from an acquaintance to the point that he or she accesses the Hell Correspondence website and submits a request to get rid of the pers...
Thieves gather at an exclusive high society event hosted by a major jewelry company. The thieves are after a ring commomly referred to as the "world's greatest gem" and is known as the "Tears of Alexander" with its priceless Alexander stone. The thie...
Yūta Takemoto, Takumi Mayama and Shinobu Morita are three young men who live in the same apartment complex and are students at an art college in Tokyo.
One day, they are introduced to Hagumi Hanamoto, the daughter of a cousin of Shūji Hanamoto, ...
Stand Alone Complex Vol.1-26End S.A.C.2nd GIG Vol.1-26End Stand Alone Complex:Solid State Society(Movie) Stand Alone Complex:The Laughing Man(Movie) Stand Alone Complex:Innocence(Movie) Ghost In The Shell 2.0(Movie)
The series takes place in the ...