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05Jul2024 - 11:34 42 PM
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Japan Anime

ANIME DVD JIGOKU SHOUJO Hell Girl 地狱少女 Complete Tv Series Episode 1-78 End by Watanabe Hiroshi 渡邊浩 (A16)
Code : 9555488205146
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :220 g
Director :Oomori Takahiro 大森貴弘 ,
Year :2005~2007
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Hong Feng Entertainment Sdn. Bhd. ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

Each episode typically follows the format of a self-contained short story where a person has been suffering torment from an acquaintance to the point that he or she accesses the Hell Correspondence website and submits a request to get rid of the person. Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, appears, and presents a doll with a string that can send the named antagonist to Hell. When the string is pulled, Enma and her companions then torment the antagonist, offering a last chance to repent (which is usually refused), and ferries them to Hell. The price of the contract is that the person making the request will also have to go to Hell after his or her life is over.

Starting with the eighth episode, Hajime Shibata, a former journalist who has resorted to taking scandal photos to blackmail people, begins investigating the rumors surrounding the Hell Correspondence website, and discovers that people are literally being dragged to Hell. His daughter, Tsugumi, is somehow able to see Enma. As the series progresses, they become conflicted on whether they should intervene to save the people involved. In the second season, a mysterious young girl from Hell, named Kikuri, is introduced. Kikuri is able to travel freely between Earth and the Twilight realm where Enma resides. Later, the plot centers around Takuma Kurebayashi, a boy who is blamed by his townsfolk for causing disappearances around the town that are, in reality, caused by the townsfolk using the "Hell Correspondence" website. In the third season, Kikuri returns to recruit Enma's assistants along with a yōkai named Yamawaro, who accepts an old offer from Enma to become her fourth assistant. The story follows Enma's mysterious possession of a young schoolgirl, Yuzuki Mikage.

傳說在深夜準零時整,心懷怨恨的人就能夠進入一個名為「地獄通信」的網頁。在網頁上打上怨恨之人的名字,自稱是「地獄少女」閻魔愛就會顯現於心懷怨恨者的身旁。地獄少女其後會交給對方一個頸部繫有紅線的稻草人, 並說明締約方式和後果:只要解開紅線,契約就會成立,地獄少女會將對方所怨恨者流放到「地獄」。但是,對方在解除怨恨後,亦要付出代價。因為「害人終害 己」,對方既然決定把受� {人流放到地獄,自己在死後也要面對在地獄裡面徘徊而無法去極樂世界的悲哀,在閻魔愛給予稻草人後,會讓對方體會到地獄中的痛苦,至於是否要解開紅線,完全是視乎委託人的決定。

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