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22Feb2025 - 02:15 00 PM
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Japan Anime

ANIME DVD Peace Maker Kurogane / 新撰组异闻录 Chapter 1-24end by Nanae Chrono (A27)
Code : Z-DC
Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
Weight :300 g
Director :Tomohiro Hirata ,
Year :2003-2004
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :English , Chinese ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Rungreang Entertainment ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

The story is focused on the main character, Ichimura Tetsunosuke, an energetic, short, and very childlike 15 year old. Sadly, he and his older brother are left to fend for themselves after the vicious murder of their parents. While Tetsunosuke wants to get revenge, his pacifist brother is not so inclined. Interestingly, the story develops when they take refuge working defined jobs in a special police force called the Shinsengumi, where his brother is an accountant and he is a servant to one of the groups leaders. While there, Tetsunosuke will attempt to get stronger in order to take the revenge he so desires, but he will be confronted by the hardships that are involved with becoming that powerful.

The anime is also focused on the characters that make up the legendary Shinsengumi and the interaction and conflict they have with one another. For the history buffs, there are accurate themes that resound with Japanese history to a slight degree.

Region Code: All

Picture Format: NTSC


英文名称:Peace Maker Kurogane


原作: 黑乃奈々絵 

「新撰組異聞Peace Maker」全6巻(スクウェア・エニックス刊)


「Peace Maker 鐵」(マッグガーデン)


監督: 平田智浩

アニメーション・キャラクターデザイン: 林明美

脚本: 構成 長谷川菜穂子

脚本: 山口宏

音楽: 奥慶一

企画: アニメーション





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