On the small island of Miyakejima lives the Noyama family. The family runs a running lodging home. Elementary school student Shin Noyama names their new born puppy Rock. Shin absolutely adores Rock. On August, 2000 a devastating volcano erupts on the...
Ryotaro Nogami is a young man with a lot of bad luck. One day, he finds a strange pass and things got stranger from a mysterious girl and a large time-traveling train to being possessed by an entity called an Imagin, beings from an alternate future w...
As the world sinks into a deep crisis and the threat of ultimate destruction looms just over the horizon, the only hope for mankind lies in six superheroes in this animated Marvel feature. The world's most powerful superheroes have all been brought t...
The story follows the "strongest juvenile delinquent," Oga Tatsumi, who is a first year in "Ishiyama High," a school for delinquents. The story starts as he is telling the story of how he found the baby to his best friend Furuichi Takayuki. One day w...
Ryotaro Nogami is a young man with a lot of bad luck. One day, he finds a strange pass and things got stranger from a mysterious girl and a large time-traveling train to being possessed by an entity called an Imagin, beings from an alternate future w...
The first of these films is Episode Red: Zero no Star Twinkle (EPISODE RED ゼロのスタートウィンクル, Episōdo Reddo Zero no Sutā Towinkuru?, "Zero's Star Twinkle"). The catchphrase for the movie is "Crossing time, fighting for love." (時空を超えて―...
Minami Kawashima (Atsuko Maeda), a female high school student, unexpectedly becomes the manager of Tokyo's Hodokubo High School baseball team. Soon enough, Minami realizes the team consists of talented players, but chronic underachievers. Minami then...
Garo focuses on the life of Kouga Saejima, who has assumed the title of Makai Knight to protect humanity against dark demonic manifestations called "Horrors". In his quest to purge them, he encounters a young girl named Kaoru whom he saves from a Hor...