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  • JM:Kui-Tan 美食侦探王2 DVD9
    Code :w000624
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    This story about a detective who has a huge appetite is adapted from a manga by Terasawa Daisuke and will be Higashiyama' first drama in 4 years. 少年队的东山纪之(40)出演日本电视台人气剧《美食侦探》第2部一事於2月21日确定。[美食2](4月开播,每週六晚...
  • JM:Daisuki 我最喜欢你 DVD9
    Code :W001021
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    该剧的原作为现在杂志连载中的漫画“最喜欢,柚子的育儿日记”(暂译)讲述的是一个只有8岁智力水平的智障者主人公柚子,与一位智障男性相识交往并怀孕,但对方在一次突发事故中死去。主人公在周围的反对声中毅然生下女儿“向日葵”并且为抚育其长大而奋斗的故事。 ...
  • JD:DAISUKI 最喜欢你 vol.1-10 end DVD
    Code :2961400024011
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Yuzu, a 23-year-old mentally disabled woman with the mind of an 8-year-old, falls in love with Sosuke, a man with a similar disability. After Sosuke is involved in a fatal accident, Yuzu discovers she is 5 months pregnant with his child. Though Y...
  • JD: The Negotiator 交涉人DVD9
    Code :W000955
    Genre : Detective / Action , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    In a modern society in which violent crimes are on the rise, there is a team that tries to resolve cases without bloodshed. It is the metropolitan police's special team, known by the abbreviation SIT (Special Investigation Team). The SIT doesn't ...
  • JD: Security Police 要人警护官 DVD9
    Code :W000946
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    The SP has just been increased on an experimental basis.Inoue Kaoru is one of the recruits to be assigned to this role.Inoue possess special abilities,and is an entirely new type of SP. He will boldly take on the fight against terrorism, while his co...
  • JD: Saitou San 齐藤小姐DVD
    Code :6843926000914
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    With her husband rarely home because of work, Saitou Masako raises her kindergarten son by herself. With a strong sense of what's right, she is never afraid to confront people who violate the rules of society. While her righteousness makes her a hero...
  • JD: Tantei Gakuen Q 探侦学院Q DVD9
    Code :W000971
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Notebooks that foretell deaths, numerous urban legends, and murders with no clues... a series of strange incidents occur, and people are lead into a deep labyrinth of mysteries. Five fledgling teen detectives of the Dan Detective Academy, which was f...
    Code :9555369504122
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR32.90 SGD15.63 USD12.83 RMB88.83 MYR26.32 / SGD12.50 / USD10.26 / RMB71.06
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    鮎川規子 (lakonan Ito Misaki) ialah guru kelas Tahun Satu di sebuah sekolah rendah swasta dalam kawasan Tokyo. Walaupun selalu "dipermain-mainkan" oleh Kento (賢人, secara harfiah bererti 'orang bijak'), seorang murid yang memiliki kepintaran seperti...
  • JD: Tokyo Tower 东京铁塔 DVD9
    Code :W000394
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
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    Tokyo Tower focuseson the relationship between a woman (Tanaka Yuko) who is in fragile health and her grown son (Ooizumi You), who is trying to make a living as an artist in 1970s Tokyo. So, The novel is about Franky's family and the time he spen...
  • JD: Boyseste 美型专家 DVD9
    Code :W000778
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    This love story is based on a manga by Masaki Souko 2005 JUNON Superboy contest winner Nakamura Aoi stars as Akagi Hibiki, a high schooler who takes up a part time job at an esthetic salon, and is said to have a "god hand" for his superb massaging te...
  • JP-D:Warui Yatsura Original Writing:MAtsumoto Seicho 松本清张之坏人们 DVD9
    Code :W000332
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    The last in a three-part adaptation of Matsumoto Seicho's works. Yonekura Ryoko plays a nurse who turns into a stalker (and murderer). In a slight deviation from the original storyline, the drama starts off with a nurse in love with a doctor, played ...
  • JD: Asakusa Fukumaru Ryokan 浅草福丸旅馆 DVD9
    Code :W000382
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
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    National Theatre celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2006. In January 2007, the theatre begins its 51st year with “Asakusa Fukumaru Inn,” a new drama where every episode is self-inclusive, set in an old-line inn in Asakusa. Fukumaru Daikichi, the ow...
  • JD: Gakumon 勤学 DVD9
    Code :W000595
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Horror / Science Fiction / Thriller , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    以高校生為男主角,兼俱愛情,友情,學習,還有一點點性的青春劇! 清晰地刻畫出了經歷煩惱,迷惘而成長的預備高校生們!   本青春劇以幽默&感傷的手法,描述了因大學入學考試落榜而開始了浪人生活的男主角,津吹淳一與高校朋友之間的愛情與友情。   男主角津�...
  • JP-D:Oniyome Dlady 鬼嫁日记 DVD9
    Code :W000574
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    Mizuki Arisa and Gori Star as husband and wife in this TV adaptation of a popular Internet blog. Oniyome Nikki is a true account of the life of a husband who is abused daily by his wife. The drama will depict the exchanged between the couple- the mi...
  • JP-D: Kirakira Kenshui 灿烂研修医 DVD9
    Code :W000378
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    Adapted from a popular blog, this drama follows the comical struggles and growth of an intern doctor, Usako, played by Konishi Manami in her first lead role. While Wentz Eiji stars as a male nursing aide to Usako, who falls in love with her. Inter...
  • J-D: 1 Pound Gospel 一磅的福音 DVD
    Code :9555369504047
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR32.90 SGD15.63 USD12.83 RMB88.83 MYR26.32 / SGD12.50 / USD10.26 / RMB71.06
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  • the jikembo of young kindaichi 金田一少年事件簿 DVD
    Code :9555369501701
    Genre : Detective / Action , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    A young man who showed little promise while a high school student becomes a master detective, just like his grandfather. IQ180的少年天才金田一,面对匪夷所思,杀机四伏的疑案,身临险境,每个蛛丝马迹都成为解密的关键!层出不穷的巧妙杀手被一一破解...
  • JP-D:Security Police DVD
    Code :2961400021812
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    The SP has just been increased on an experimental basis.Inoue Kaoru is one of the recruits to be assigned to this role.Inoue possess special abilities,and is an entirely new type of SP. He will boldly take on the fight against terrorism, wh...
  • JD: Mop Girl 抹布女孩 DVD
    Code :2961400021911
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Kitagawa plays the part of the slow but hardworking Momoko, a low-ranking employee at a funeral services company who carries a mop as part of her job.However Momoko happens to possess a strange ability. Whenever she comes across the corpse of someone...
  • JD: Love Supplement 恋爱补给品 VCD
    Code :9555369503446
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    Based on a popular manga, Minami is a single 28-year-old office worker in an advertising office. She's very work-oriented and her love is doubted by her boyfriend. One day, she meets Yuya (Kamenashi Kazuya), who is a part-time worker at her company. ...
  • JD: 情定大饭店 HOTELIES VCD
    Code :9555369503835
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR25.90 SGD12.30 USD10.10 RMB69.93 MYR20.72 / SGD9.84 / USD8.08 / RMB55.94
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    本剧根据 2001年倍受欢迎的韩国MBC电视剧《情定大饭店》翻拍而成,由上户彩、及川光博和田边诚一等几位位人气艺人主演。01年的韩国版《情定大饭店》讲述了高级酒店在重建与收购过程中,企业精英、酒店的前任负责人、女性负责人,以及企业家千金四个人之间的复杂感情故事...
    Code :2961400021416
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Code :9555369503972
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    Code :9555369503941
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    This original series stars Takashi Sorimachi as the pro baseball player Shunsuke Ogi, who is forced to retire after a shoulder injury. He continues to train in hope of returning to the game, but a sudden accident leads to his death. God decides to gi...
    Code :2961400021218
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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  • JD: Mushishi Live Action Movie 虫师真人剧场版 DVD
    Code :9555329223551
    Genre : Horror / Science Fiction / Thriller , Modern ,
    Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
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    The story features ubiquitous creatures called Mushi that often display supernatural powers. Mushi are described as beings in touch with the essence of life, far more basic and pure than the grotesque creatures we are accustomed to. Due to their ...
  • JD: First Kiss 初吻 DVD
    Code :2961400020419
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    A young girl Mio (Moah Inoue) need to treat her illness overseas, she has living away from her older brother Kazuki (Ito Hideaki) for the past ten years. After learning about the upcoming surgery, which she has only a fifty percent chance of survival...
  • JD: Chibi Maruko-Chan The Drama(Part 1) DVD 樱桃小丸子
    Code :9555369503859
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    Momoko Sakura is an elementary school student who likes popular idol Momoe Yamaguchi and mangas. She is often called “Chibi Maruko-Chan” due to her young age and small size. She lives together with her parents, her grandparents and her elder sister...
  • JD: Tokyo Friends VCD 東京フレンズ
    Code :6864220230036
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
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    Rei Iwatsuki moved from her hometown Kōchi to Tokyo to pursue her dreams. On arrival, she found a job as a waitress in a restaurant and met guitarist Ryuuji Shintani. Ryuuji liked her voice and invited her to join his band as the vocalist, The Survi...
  • JD: Monogatari Teresa Ten DVD
    Code :6845936002513
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
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    Hotaru works for a famous interior design company. It's a glamorous job but Hotaru's private life is totally the opposite of glamorous. She lives alone,and when she isn't working she's mostly lazing about her rented house in training wear. she's not ...
  • JD: First Love VCD 初吻
    Code :9555369503910
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    A bitter-sweet and uplifting comedy drama about a young girl Mio and her brother Kazuki. To treat her illness overseas, Mio has been living away from her older brother Kazuki for the past ten years. After learning about the upcoming surgery, which sh...
  • Japanese Drama:Freaky Seven Days VCD 父女7日变
    Code :9555369503729
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR18.90 SGD8.98 USD7.37 RMB51.03 MYR15.12 / SGD7.18 / USD5.90 / RMB40.82
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    This home comedy tells the story of Kyoichiro (Tachi Hiroshi) and his teenage daughter Koume (Aragaki Yui). One day, the two ride a train together after visiting Kyoichiro's mother-in-law. He sees it as a chance to get to know his daughter better, bu...
  • Japanese Drama:Dan Detective School Tantei Gakuen Q VCD 侦探学园
    Code :9555369503767
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    Adapted from the manga by Tadashi Agi(Seimaru Amagi), Tantei Gakuen Q revolves around a team of genius students studying in a detective academy run by a famous detective, Morihiko Dan.
  • Japanese Drama:Dan DETECTIVE School Tantei Gakuen Q DVD 侦探学园
    Code :9555369506904
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Adapted from the manga by Tadashi Agi(Seimaru Amagi), Tantei Gakuen Q revolves around a team of genius students studying in a detective academy run by a famous detective, Morihiko Dan.
  • Japanese Drama:The Tale Of Yamada Taro 贫穷贵公子VCD
    Code :9555369503880
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    Arashi members Ninomiya Kazunari and Sakurai Sho star in this comedy series based on "Yamada Taro Monogatari" by mangaka Ai Morinaga. Ninomiya plays the title character, Taro Yamada, whose family lives in extreme poverty. But because of his looks, in...
  • Japanese Drama:The Story Of Yamada Taro DVD 贫穷贵公子
    Code :6843926000617
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
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    Arashi members Ninomiya Kazunari and Sakurai Sho star in this comedy series based on "Yamada Taro Monogatari" by mangaka Ai Morinaga. Ninomiya plays the title character, Taro Yamada, whose family lives in extreme poverty. But because of his looks, in...
  • JD:Tantei Gakuen Q 侦探学园 Q DVD
    Code :6843926000716
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
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    The Dan Detective School is a Japanese detective school permitted by the government. Kyu, an ordinary boy with big dreams to become detective, attends the school as a member of Q Class along with Megu, the girl with photographic memory; Kazuma, the c...
  • Japanese Drama:For You In Fall Blossom DVD 花样少年少女
    Code :9555369506843
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    The drama is based on the popular manga of the same name by Nakajo Hisaya, which has already been dramatized in Taiwan. Horikita plays the protagonist Ashiya Mizuki, a Japanese girl in the U.S. who one day sees the young athlete Sano Izumi (Oguri) co...
  • Japanese Drama Serial:For You In Full Blossom VCD花样少年少女
    Code :955369503903
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR33.90 SGD16.10 USD13.22 RMB91.53 MYR27.12 / SGD12.88 / USD10.58 / RMB73.22
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    Another anime-ish drama. This is a surprisingly ridiculous, low budget yet well made drama. The drama is based on a Japanese manga Hanazakari No Kimitachi E. It is currently rated one of the top Asian drama recently released and has caught the attent...
  • JD: Seven days of a daddy and a daughter 父女7日变 DVD
    Code :6843926000518
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
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    This home comedy tells the story of Kyoichiro and his teenage daughter Koume. One day, the two ride a train together after visiting Kyoichiro’s mother-in-law. He sees it as a chance to get to know his daughter better, but he ends up getting more tha...
  • JD: Water Boys 1 水男孩 DVD
    Code :9555369506782
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
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    Synopsis : Who has ever heard of men's synchronized swimming?! Two years after the release of "Water Boys"-the mega-hit movie about high-school boys obsessed with synchronized swimming-an even hotter summer hit is about to arrive to your television s...
  • JD : Sexy Voice And Robo 性感的声音和ROBO DVD9
    Code :W000598
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    The story is about adventures of a 14year old girl named Nico Hayashiwho uses her talents of changing and altering her voice to manipulate men over the phone who want to particpate in Enjo kosai.Throught this she learns a lot about human nature,and g...
  • JD: Tanaka Express 3 特辑田中三号 DVD
    Code :W000616
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    Tanaka Koki plays his first lead role in a drama series in this romantic comedy.He stars as Tanaka Ichiro ,a newly matriculated studen at Sangyo Ryutsu Daigaku ,abbreviated as "Sanryudai"(third-rate university).His dream is to meet his own"personal h...
  • JD: Kui-Tan 美食侦探王2 DVD
    Code :W000623
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    The title of this drama, "kui TAN" is short for "kuishinbou no tantei" or "The Gluttonous Detective". The title pretty much says it all. The main character (played by Higashiyama Noriyuki from the old JOHNNY's group shounentai) is a detective who has...
  • JD: Hanayome to Papa 新娘与爸爸 DVD9
    Code :W000606
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Ishihara plays a new 20-year-old OL working in the apparel company of her dreams. Her father, played by Tokito, loves his daughter excessively to the point that he compels her to follow his house rules: 7:00pm curfew, no socialising with the opposite...
  • JD: Shinuka To Omotta 我想死 DVD9
    Code :W000603
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Is there any matter just make you want to die ?Frighten to death,chill to death,laugh to death and finally really face up with death
  • JD: KYOUKASHO 我们的教科书 DVD9
    Code :W000607
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    Tamako,an elite lawyer with a promising future,works for a reputable law firm.She isre cently given an opportunity to take a case involving a young child who has been bullied at a local elementary school.Fully aware of the difficelties uncovering the...
  • JD :Oniyume II 鬼嫁日记 II DVD9
    Code :W000613
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR35.90 SGD17.05 USD14.00 RMB96.93 MYR28.72 / SGD13.64 / USD11.20 / RMB77.54
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    After the new millennium,the public bathhouse already gradually faded out people's sight,Shan Qi Yima returned to home town "Dragon soup"and live together with father Shan Qilongr."Dragon soup"alters two floors above constructions into apartment,alth...
  • JD: Operation Love 求婚大作战 DVD9
    Code :W000610
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Yamashita Tomohisa and Nagasawa Masami play a young man and woman who have been friends since elementary school. Yamashita's character, Iwase Ken, is obstinate and unskilled in love, but he fell long ago for the lively and cheerful woman, Yoshida Rei...
    Code :9555369506102
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Shomuni Final is a comedic drama serial,continued from Shomuni 2 .Tsuboi Chinatsu ,the most hated GA-2 by the Personnel Department,has resigned from Manpan Corporation,During the wedding reception,she asks four of the five female GA-2 employees (all ...
  • JD: Dear Stundents 各位学生 DVD
    Code :9555369503804
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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  • JD: Hanayome to papa 新娘与爸爸 DVD
    Code :2961400019413
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    Ishihara plays a new 20-year-old OL working in the apparel company of her dreams. Her father, played by Tokito, loves his daughter excessively to the point that he compels her to follow his house rules: 7:00pm curfew, no socialising with the opposite...
  • Japanese Drama : Oniyome Diary 2 鬼嫁日记 2
    Code :9555369503828
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    改编自人气伯客推出第2部了,这个讲述美貌恶妻跟平懦弱丈夫的故事广受好评,于是终于推出续集.这次男人公山崎一马为了续承家业,辞掉工作返回老家 Mizuki Arisa and Gori reprise their roles as husband and wife. Season 2 shifts the setting to a public bath...
  • Japanese Drama :Our Text Book 我们的教科书
    Code :9555369503798
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR33.90 SGD16.10 USD13.22 RMB91.53 MYR27.12 / SGD12.88 / USD10.58 / RMB73.22
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    Tamako, an elite lawyer with a promising future, works for a reputable law firm. She is recently given an opportunity to take a case involving a young child who has been bullied at a local elementary school. Fully aware of the difficulties uncovering...
  • Japanese Drama :Stop Pulling My Leg 别开玩笑了! VCD
    Code :9555369503774
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    A home comedy in which Oda Yuji will play a 40-year-old man who marries the 20-year-old woman, Ueno Juri. He will find out that his wife's mother(Ohtake Shinobu) is his former lover. Eventually the mother will live with couple and the man will start ...
  • Japanese Drama :FOOD DETECTIVE 2 美食侦探王 2 VCD
    Code :9555369503743
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
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    Food Detective 2 / Kuitan 2 / 喰いタン 2 / 美食偵探王2 It's been six month since we last saw the unique group from the "Holmes Detective Agency" in Hong Kong. The gourmet frantic Seiya Takano has flown back to Japan to pay his old teammates...
  • JD: 料理新鲜人 Bambino DVD
    Code :9555369506683
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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  • Japanese Drama:Proposal Daisakusen DVD 求婚大作战
    Code :2961400019512
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
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    这部爱情喜剧讲述的是一个恋上青梅竹马的男生,因无法向所爱的人表达自己的爱意,只能眼睁睁的目送着她与别人牵手不露结婚的殿堂。。。 然而现在,让一切重来的机会正摆在他的眼前,于是时光倒流男生回到了过去,为赢得女孩的心不懈的努力着。。。。。。
  • Japanese Drama:Proposal Daisakusen VCD 求婚大作战
    Code :2961400019536
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
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    Iwase Ken and Yoshida Rei have been friends since elementary school. Ken, is obstinate and unskilled in love, but he fell long ago for the lively and cheerful, Rei. But Rei is about to get married to another man. While Ken and other friends from high...
  • Japanese Drama :The Bride And The Father 新娘与爸爸 VCD
    Code :9555369503750
    Genre : Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR33.90 SGD16.10 USD13.22 RMB91.53 MYR27.12 / SGD12.88 / USD10.58 / RMB73.22
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    Aiko(satimi ishihara),seorang kerani pejabat baru yang berumur 20 tahun.Bapanya(Saburo Tokito),yang terlalu ambilk Berat kepaba anaknya sentiasa menyusahkan Aiko.Miura(Junnosuke Taguchi),kawan sejawatan aiko yang bercinta pengan Aiko,ingin berkhawin ...
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