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14Mar2025 - 02:18 33 PM
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JD:DAISUKI 最喜欢你 vol.1-10 end DVD
Code : 2961400024011
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :200 g
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :3
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer : ,

Yuzu, a 23-year-old mentally disabled woman with the mind of an 8-year-old, falls in love with Sosuke, a man with a similar disability. After Sosuke is involved in a fatal accident, Yuzu discovers she is 5 months pregnant with his child. Though Yuzu is intent on having the child, her mother, Miyoko, is immediately against it. After her family comes to terms with her pregnancy, Yuzu eventually gives birth to her daughter, Himawari. With many odds against her, Yuzu does her best to care for the daughter she so dearly loves. 福原柚子是智力水平仅相当于8岁儿童的智障患者,性格天真无邪,烂漫开朗,与同为患有轻度智障的泽田草介交往,两个人彼此扶持,只要见到对方都会感到无比幸福。但是草介在一次交通事故中意外身亡后,柚子的生活陷入了痛苦,但更痛苦的是此时的她已经怀有身孕,孩子是草介的。就在众人一片反对声中,柚子却坚定地要生下孩子,因为她的理由是“难道我不能当妈妈吗?!”众人为她的态度所感动,于是在家人的帮助下,柚子生下了一个可爱的女儿,从此开始了笑中带泪、泪中带笑的育儿过程。虽然智障给柚子带来了许多麻烦,一些常人觉得很简单的事但是她却做不好,但是弟弟莲和妈妈美代子却成了她最坚持的后盾和可靠的精神支柱。她也凭借坚强的本能和巨大的爱把孩子扶养长大!

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