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14Mar2025 - 02:17 05 PM
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JD: Tokyo Tower 东京铁塔 DVD9
Code : W000394
Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
Weight :200 g
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer : ,

Tokyo Tower focuseson the relationship between a woman (Tanaka Yuko) who is in fragile health and her grown son (Ooizumi You), who is trying to make a living as an artist in 1970s Tokyo. So, The novel is about Franky's family and the time he spent with his mother. 21歲的透愛上了比他年長20歲、已婚的詩史。不能經常與詩史見面的透,每天都會在家中等待詩史的來電。透的朋友耕二,雖然已經有一位年輕女友,可是他仍與家庭主婦喜美子發生不倫的關係。兩對情侶就分別代表了精神和肉體兩種不同類型的戀愛。在重重的考驗之下,他們的戀情又可否開花結果?

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