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22Feb2025 - 11:40 02 PM
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TAIWAN DRAMA DVD The Best Things In Life 五福到 Episode 1 - 20 End by Rahayu Mat Hashim, Kymie Hwang, Sharon Toh, Lim Wen Ying, Joanna Goh (T12)
Code : TSCS111
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :350 g
Staring :Chen Hanwei , Cynthia Koh , Tay Ping Hui , Koh Yah Hwee , Phyllis Quek , Terence Cao / 陈汉伟 , 许美珍 , 李美玲 , 许雅慧 , 郭妃丽 , 曹国辉 , 张耀栋 , 陈泰铭 , 王爱玲 ,
Director :Lam Yen Fong ,
Year :2010
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Discs :5
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Wufu is a kind-hearted and joyful orphan. He was adopted by a kind fisherman and his wife, who have three other daughters. The three girls left for Singapore upon reaching adulthood and subsequently married and settled down there.

Wufu, a man with simple needs, is the only one left to care for his parents and to help them in their work. As he is already 35 years old, his parents are anxious for him to leave the fishing village to eke out a career of his own. They also hope that he will be able to settle down and have a family of his own. However, once Wufu leaves the idyllic and laidback fishing village for a big cosmopolitan city, his naivety and trusting ways land him in many awkward situations, often with hilarious results.

Wufu’s eldest sister, Jiaxin, is a go-getter. She holds three jobs to maximize her earning potential. Besides being a workaholic, Jiaxin’s other obsession is making sure her only daughter excels in her studies. Jiaxin invests a large part of her savings in the financial market, leading to major losses when the global crisis hit. As it was her younger sister, Jiayi, who had encouraged her to invest, Jiaxin bears a grudge against her. As a result, the two sisters fall out with each other.

Wufu is caught in their feud and tries to help. Unfortunately, he bungles and makes things worse. His interference only sees Jiaxin fall out with her husband, Jiayi’s wedding ceremony wrecked, and even his third sister’s career and love life almost ruined. The girls try ways and means to get rid of Wufu.


五福是个孤儿,被善良的渔村夫妇收养。这对夫妇的三个女儿,相继到新加坡工作、结婚,唯独五福留下帮两佬。五福性格纯朴,乐天知命,35岁待在渔村还事业无成、成家无望,于是养父母劝他到城市寻找出路。到了城市,五福虽以真诚的心与人交往,但是许多事情都被他搞得鸡飞狗跳。 五福的大妹家欣是个“拼命三娘”,身兼三职,极力栽培独生女。在二妹家宜的推荐下,家欣把大半储蓄投资于金融衍生产品,结果金融海啸一到,令她血本无归。两姐妹因此反目成仇,差点闹得弃亲情而不顾。五福介入其中尝试调解,不料却帮倒忙,几乎让大妹闹家变、把二妹的婚礼搞砸,而小妹家慧的事业和爱情也险些毁在他手里。

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