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28Mar2025 - 05:25 18 PM
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HouseWives's Holiday 煮妇的假期
Code : TSCS094
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :洪慧芳 , 黄炯耀 , 向云 , 郭舒贤 , 陈泰铭 ,
Genre :Comedy / Love , Modern ,
Subtitle :English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Discs :5
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Three housewives become friends when they worked together to nab a thief that stole bras from the neighbourhood. Each housewife is different in character. Chen Simei, 42, is very thrifty and looks out for small advantages. Alice, 40, is the modern one, who enjoys making herself look good. Zhong Aiqin, 39, is a natural worrier. Alice looks down on the others and pretends she’s a rich madame. Simei, in a bid to stand up to Alice, lies that her husband is a rich businessman. Each has a different set of problems – a philandering husband, interfering in-laws and marriages that have lost their romance. All things come to a head when Alice discovers her husband has a mistress. Aiqin, too is shocked when her suspicions about her husband is confirmed. Simei is devastated when she finds that her husband has resumed his gambling habit again. The three women, who had been fighting secretly amongst one another, realise they are all in the same boat. All their sacrifices for their families had come to a nought. It was time for them to live for themselves. They decide to go for a long holiday and set off without saying goodbye to their families. Their disappearances cause chaos in their families. Aiqin decides to divorce her husband but her husband pleads for forgiveness. Alice is touched by her husband, Jiasheng’s sincerity and forgives him. Simei returns home and realises that her husband has finally kicked the gambling habit. 现年的42岁的陈思美(洪慧芳饰演) ,为人节俭,爱贪小便宜,经常把他人丢弃在组屋楼下的垃圾捡回家里。她与老公,女儿以及母亲四人住在一间窄小的三房式组屋。 与她同龄的老公陈伟斌(黄炯耀饰演)是名德士司机,生性豪爽,曾经因为赌博赔上了老婆的嫁妆,答应老婆从此不再赌博,是个怕老婆的男人。 年届四十的 Alice 曾慧贤(郭舒贤饰演) 是个爱打扮的摩登主妇,很爱炫耀,贪慕虚荣,与老公家盛,一对子女,以及家婆住在五房式组屋,家里的经济全落在老公的肩上。 张家盛是一名工程师,个性非常大男人。他妈妈是个唠唠叨叨的老太婆,经常和 Alice 起摩擦。孝顺的家盛却经常要 Alice 忍让妈妈,而 Alice 却一直暗打算盘,希望家婆能搬去另一个儿子的家住。 而现年39岁的钟爱琴(向云饰演)则是个怕事懦弱,多愁善感的紧张大师,与家婆家翁,老公以及一对儿女住在四房式组屋。 老公何龙威(陈泰铭饰演)在一间售卖按摩器材的店里担任营业员,与爱琴的感情已经淡如水,回到家就只沉迷电脑游戏,对家事不闻不问,还是个玩世不恭的大孩子。爱琴一直很想搬出去自组家庭,奈何老公却很不长进,坚持要赖在老爸的家里白吃白住。 Alice在两人面前经常炫耀自己是个少奶奶,有女佣侍候,狗眼看人低的性格令思美受不了,思美便故意说自己的老公是做生意的。Alice 打量着眼前这个装扮寒酸的思美,有点很难置信。 某天,Alice 乘搭德士时发现伟斌很面善,认出他是前演员,却一口否认。其实伟斌年轻时,曾经是家喻户晓的三线演员,却因爱面子不愿承认。直到有一天,伟斌带着女儿出外时,恰好碰到思美与朋友在一起,Alice 才恍然得悉这个德士司机竟然就是思美的老公 至于 Alice 呢,她们很快也揭发原来她家里并没有女佣,她也不是一个少奶奶,也跟她们一样是个劳碌的家庭主妇,每天疲于奔命地从早忙到晚打理家务,烧饭煮菜。 即将步入四十的爱琴,怀疑自己患上子乳癌,担心老公会因此搞外遇,没想到她的顾虑竟然成真。一向尽心尽力当个好妈妈,好妻子,好媳妇的她感到痛苦不堪……


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