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28Mar2025 - 05:42 18 PM
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Roseate Love 紫玫瑰
Code : 4734132090016
Price : MYR89.90 SGD42.70 USD35.06 RMB242.73 MYR71.92 / SGD34.16 / USD28.05 / RMB194.18
Weight :300 g
Staring :梁文音 , 黄腾浩 , 黄柏钧 , 许玮甯 , 许亮宇 ,
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Lin Nuo(Henley Hii), an aspiring singer holding pub performances, was adored by Xiao Zi(Rachel Liang), his top fan. Xiao Zi always made paper flowers for Lin Nuo while listening to his performances; it was her devotion that gradually made Lin Nuo feel attracted. Unfortunately, a car accident claimed Lin Nuo’s life. Xiao Zi, who has now lost her loved one, decides to disguise as Lin Nuo to complete his wish—to sing songs for FUTUREMAN. It seems that, only when she sings as Lin Nuo, does she have the strength to move on and keep her love. Ning Zi Da(Tender Huang), who has always stayed by Xiao Zi’s side, has a tender heart under his grim look. He agrees to help Xiao Zi fulfill her dream of singing for FUTUREMAN, under the condition that Xiao Zi will return to her old self and enjoy a happy, ideal date with him. Xiao Zi eventually wins people’s hearts with her music and brings her singing talent to full display. She also has a secret supporter who sends her roseate roses. Xiao Zi has no idea, however, that the big supporter is Ning Zi Da. Out of coincidence, Ning Zi Da receives some roseate roses from Xiao Zi, too. Because of Xiao Zi, he is now able to say goodbye to his gloomy past. His heart stars beating warmly again, and he has the courage to love. Even if he has to sacrifice his life, he will help Xiao Zi find her true self back. If possible, he’ll do anything to let Zi regain her genuine smile of old happy days. 在PUB演唱的林諾(許亮宇飾),雖然還沒受到賞識,但身為頭號粉絲的王小紫(梁文音飾)卻崇拜不已,堅持在台下摺著紙玫瑰支持,他的付出,讓林諾漸漸動了心。只是一場車禍意外帶走林諾,失去最愛的小紫,爲了替林諾完成最終的夢想,把自己當成林諾的分身,唱出未來人樂團之歌。彷彿只有化身林諾站在舞台,她才有活下去的希望,才能繼續擁有愛! 一直在身邊看著小紫的甯子達(黃騰浩飾),隱藏在冷酷外表下是顆溫柔的心,他答應幫小紫完成未來人的夢想,交換的條件,不過是希望小紫可以恢復原來的樣子,讓他陪她度過最快樂幸福的夢想約會。透過音樂,小紫終於撼動人心,成功展現歌唱實力,也擁有了紫色玫瑰的支持者。只是小紫並不知道,那個默默支持她的人就是甯子達。甯子達擁有小紫無意間送給他的零號紙玫瑰,他的黑暗過往,因爲小紫而揮去陰霾,他的心開始有了溫度、有了愛人的勇氣,就算走到生命盡頭,他也要讓小紫找回自己,如果可以,他不求回報,只願小紫能找回當初幸福生活的真心微笑。。。


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