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28Mar2025 - 05:47 57 PM
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SINGAPORE DRAMA DVD My Buddy 难兄烂弟 EPISODE 1-20 END by Zhao Zhijian (T12)
Code : TSCS098
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :Christopher Lee , Zheng Geping , Eelyn Kok , Carole Lin / 李铭顺 , 郑各评 , 陈丽贞 , 郭惠雯 , 许雅慧 , 王惠姗 , 朱厚任 , 林晓佩 ,
Director :Lin Mingzhe ,
Year :2009
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :5
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Zeng You Quan (Christopher Lee) is hardworking man making an honest living as supervisor in an air-conditioning company. He took over as the family′s sole breadwinner after his mother passed away and his father went missing. He has a 35 year-old single sister, Zhi Ling (Wang Hui Shan), whom he is trying to marry off, and a fresh graduate younger sister, Zhi Mei (Koh Ya Hwee), who cannot seem to hold on to a job for long. You Quan′s childhood friend, Chen Ying Bang (Zheng Ge Ping), is a complete opposite of him. A married man but still womanizing, Ying Pang is always looking for easy money. Because he took a blow for You Quan when they were young, the latter feels indebted and is always clearing Ying Bang′s mess. Things take a furn for the worse when You Quan 's step-mother suddenly appears to claim half of his apartment; he discovers Zhi Ling 's secret rendezvous with Ying Bang; and his boss cum dream lover fires him after Ying Bang made him a scapegoat for selling company information. Will the good begets good? 曾有权(李铭顺),40岁,是个督工,忠厚老實。母亲早逝父亲失踪,他身兼父母职把两个妹妹养大。大妹志玲(王惠珊)35岁,孤僻吝啬,暗恋着一个男人。小妹志美(许雅慧),大学毕业却不肯认真工作。 有权有个同在甘榜长大的“烂弟”陈英镑(郑各评),已婚,英俊却狡猾。英镑的妹妹美金(林晓佩),不美却善良,从小就爱慕有权。有权却喜欢老板李吉祥的女儿如意(郭惠雯)。可是八年前如意却他嫁,有权借酒消愁,酔乱中与美金发生了关系。 有权的后母叶佩仪招商有权,并住进有权的家。通过美金的介绍,李吉祥认识了佩仪,展开追求。志玲与暗恋多年的英镑暗中接触,英镑的老婆生莲发现后流产。 英镑在吉祥的公司作工,却暗中偷赚,东窗事发后,有权当替死鬼被如意开除。美金看不过眼,告诉如意真相,英镑因此被吵。有权和英镑过后一起创业,做得有声有色,知道如意的公司有难,他还挺身相助。这时,英镑竟然亏空公款,有权终于跟这个烂弟断绝关系。 然而,有权能否凭着一颗真诚的心,打动如意?


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