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28Mar2025 - 03:49 22 PM
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Together Box 1,2 当我们同在一起
Code : TSCS102
Price : MYR89.90 SGD42.70 USD35.06 RMB242.73 MYR71.92 / SGD34.16 / USD28.05 / RMB194.18
Weight :550 g
Staring :欧萱 , 戴阳天 , 黄俊雄 , 郭惠霞 , 郑各平 , 张振寰 , 周颖 ,
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :9
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

The story begins in 1967 where Singapore has just gained independence, in the downtown area along a bustling street, 6 families cramped into 3 houses. It is also here where 6 aspiring youths dreamed about their future. Xiao Bei, the only son of a tailor, is a trouble-maker in the neighbourhood, he does not want to confine himself to the tailor shop and daydreams about striking it rich one day. Xiao Bei´s childhood sweetheart, Jian Hong, drops out of school at a young age and peddles medicated oil in the streets with her father. A more down-to-earth person, her only hope is for Xiao Bei to inherit his father´s trade. Zhi Hao is a fickle-minded young man, although he is often in loggerheads with Xiao Bei, they always stick by each other through thick and thin. Zhi Hao´s sister, Jin Hao, is both vivacious and na飗e, despite her unrequited love for Xiao Bei, she remains a loyal friend. On the other hand, Jian Hong´s twin brother, the timid Wu Ji is secretly in love with Jin Hao. Hui Min is the only one among them who is highly educated, though she is physically weak, her perseverance paid off and she eventually becomes a lawyer. Through 30 years of changes, from the hardships of starting out in the 60s, the oil crisis in the 70s, to the stock-market crash in the 80s, Singapore have weathered the storm, and so has these friends through 2 generations of joy and sorrow.


故事始于1967年,围绕着6个年轻人展开,时空横跨30年。 小坡一条横街内住有三户6家人。 林裁缝的独子小杯,经常打架闹事,街坊无不头痛。唯有姚剑虹管得住他。剑虹自幼辍学,跟随父亲闯荡江湖,耍拳卖膏药。她性格直爽,做事干脆,颇有男孩之风。 虽然小杯、剑虹两人青梅竹马,但剑虹很不满小杯不务正业,她希望小杯能脚踏实地继承父亲衣钵。可是小杯却不甘被困于小裁缝店,只想出人头地。 小杯的肝胆兄弟"泰山"黄志豪,整天发白日梦,志趣不明。两人有福同享,有难同当,谁也缺不了谁。 "泰山"的妹妹金好,贪慕虚荣爱美如命。她单恋小杯,对他有情有义。而金好有个神秘爱慕者,就是胆小如鼠、剑虹的双胞胎哥哥姚无忌。 几个年轻人当中,唯独秦慧敏受过高深教育。她自小体弱多病,却靠着坚强的意志力,克服重重困难当上律师。 这几家人上下两代,上演着爱恨情仇的感人情节,有欢乐有泪水,可说是岛国那个年代的生活缩影。

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