Densha Otoko ( Densha Otoko Train Man) is a Japanese movie, television series, manga, novel, and other media, all based on the purportedly true story of a twenty-three years old otaku (the Japanese equivalent of geek), who intervened when a drunk man...
The remarriage of parents makes the two persons become beother and sister,meantime their love meet obstacles from laws. Hena's mother husband,she still accpects Hena's aunt and her daughter to live together.She runs a hot spring spa and knows a Korea...
Focus, concentration, proper posture and good release are the hallmarks of a good bowler. Welcome to Golden Bowl bowling alley. A bit rundown and small but no worse for wear, the Golden Bowl is stockbroker Shu Akutagawa's favorite haunt. A regular, h...
Toyokawa Etsushi and Ito Hideaki appear together for the first time in what is a never-before-seen lawyer-oriented drama. The original work by Iura Hideo, "Bengoshi no Kuzu," is currently being published by Big Comic Original. Our main character, Kuz...
Jin Da Rae (Eugene) is the daughter of a female diver in Cheju Island. After her father mysteriously passes away she tries to uncover the truth about his death. One day she coincidentally saves Hyuk (Park Yong Ha) from torrent waters. Hyuk works for ...