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27Jul2024 - 01:01 38 PM
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JAPANESE DRAMA DVD Golden Bowl / Goruden bouru / 黄金保龄球 by Shinji Nojima
Code : 9555369505228
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :Takeshi Kaneshiro , Hitomi Kuroki , Saburo Shinoda , Hideji Otaki , Eiko Segawa , Rio Matsumoto ,
Director :Ryuichi Inomata ,
Year :2002
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Ember Power (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :日本连续剧 ,

Focus, concentration, proper posture and good release are the hallmarks of a good bowler. Welcome to Golden Bowl bowling alley. A bit rundown and small but no worse for wear, the Golden Bowl is stockbroker Shu Akutagawa's favorite haunt. A regular, he likes nothing better then the rumble of the bowl running down the alley and crash and crackle of the pins tumbling down. When Hitomi Sakura - a housewife - makes an appearance at the Golden Bowl things start to heat up as Shu teams up with her to challenge some pro bowlers. Will Shu be as lucky with Hitomi as he is with the pins?

Region Code: All

Picture Format: NTSC

编  剧:野岛伸司

配 乐:大坪直树


导 演:猪股隆一

演 员

芥川周(32)╱金城武 佐仓瞳(38)╱黑木瞳 久保晶(19)╱松本莉绪(松本惠) 藤泽大悟 关口翔太 屋代みどり(21)╱?#092;本加奈子 濑川瑛子 小川直也 出川哲朗 笑福亭鹤光 大泷秀治 竹脇无我 小木茂光 田中美奈子(1) 齐藤辉夫╱宫坂ひろし(2) 真知子╱LILICO(2)  仓木真美╱浮田佳奈(3) 羽田有纪╱汐月佐知子(3) 泽田一郎╱小笠原翼(4) 泽田次郎╱小笠原隼(4) 玉奴╱木村多江(5) 姬奴╱河野麻子 (5) 风间茂╱长门裕之 顺子╱南田洋子 太宰卫╱堺雅人(7) 友子╱木村佳乃(7) 夏目╱冈本光太郎(7) 大冢花子╱山田花子 一美╱吉川ひなの(吉川日奈)(9) 簗濑╱吉几三(9) 吉泽都╱松浦亚弭(9)


男女主角是金城武和黑木瞳 ,蛮新鲜的搭档,这组老少配还真绝配,给人的感觉很棒,这叫气质取胜!金城武饰演的芥川是一位证券公司的贵公子,下班后的休闲就是到「黄金保龄球馆」打球,纾解压力。



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