From Executive Producers David Mamet and Shawn Ryan, THE UNIT is an action drama that follows a covert team of Special Forces operatives as they risk their lives on undercover missions around the globe, while their families maintain the home front, protecting their husbands' secrets. Jonas Blane (Dennis Haysbert) leads the Unit on missions out in the field and is responsible for taking new recruit Bob Brown (Scott Foley) under his wing. The Unit includes Jonas, Colonel Tom Ryan (Robert Patrick), Mack Gerhardt (Max Martini), Charles Grey (Michael Irby), Hector Williams (Demore Barnes) and Bob Brown, all highly skilled, trustworthy, brave and dependable soldiers whose ability to rely on each other is what creates their brotherhood. Jonas' wife, Molly (Regina Taylor), is the base matriarch who comforts and counsels the other wives as they cope with the fear and uncertainty they experience when their husbands leave home.
第三季开始,Jonas在逃往巴拿马时被政府刺客盯梢。在华盛顿,Col. Ryan尝试去搞清楚谁是试图拆散秘密行动组的幕后黑手,想要了解接近真相的答案。在回基地时,Tiffy去监狱看望悲惨的Mack,希望能挽救他们崩溃的婚姻。Kim把孩子安顿好之后回到德克萨斯的家。最后,Jonas和他的团队一边逃避被追捕,一边尝试找出秘密组织瓦解背后主谋的身份。他们还要搜寻被关在隐秘位置受着折磨的Mack。回到基地,Kim被CIA监视着,Jonas委任她一个很重要...详细 第三季开始,Jonas在逃往巴拿马时被政府刺客盯梢。在华盛顿,Col. Ryan尝试去搞清楚谁是试图拆散秘密行动组的幕后黑手,想要了解接近真相的答案。在回基地时,Tiffy去监狱看望悲惨的Mack,希望能挽救他们崩溃的婚姻。Kim把孩子安顿好之后回到德克萨斯的家。