Alan Ball, creator of Six Feet Under, returns to HBO with a new series based on the novel series Southern Vampire by Charlaine Harris. The series follows Sookie Stackhouse, a telepathic barmaid who finds comfort in the company of vampires since they have no brainwave activity for her to read. She and her brother Jason were raised by her grandmother after losing their parents in a flood and she tries to keep her telepathic ability a secret. Thanks largely in part to the creation of a Japanese-made synthetic blood called True Blood (where the series takes it name) vampires have make their existence known to the world. Sookie works at the bar 'Merlotte's' which is owned and operated by her boss Sam Merlotte who has a secret of his own.
本剧根据畅销小说《南方吸血鬼》(Southern Vampire)改编,故事围绕路易斯安那州的吸血鬼和人类展开。当日本将人造血液“真实血液”(True Blood)产品化,并在大街小巷贩卖之后,吸血鬼向人类宣布了自己的存在,希望能被人类社会所接受。 故事的女主角萨姬-斯塔克豪斯(Sookie Stackhouse,安娜-帕奎因)是一名拥有读心术的酒吧女招待,不过对于她来说,能够偷听到别人的隐私可不是一件很刺激的事情。萨姬作为一个怪胎在镇上生活了二十几年,无聊的生活每天周而复始的进行着,直到一天她发现自己爱上了一个吸血鬼……