Code : W001488
Price : | MYR199.90 SGD94.95 USD77.96 RMB539.73 MYR159.92 / SGD75.96 / USD62.37 / RMB431.78 |
Weight : | 603 g |
Genre : | Family / Love / Relationship , |
Subtitle : | Chinese , English , Espanol , French , Portuguese , Thai , |
Language : | English , |
Discs : | 15 |
Model : | DVD9 , |
| |
The series began with Mary Alice Young (Brenda Strong) leaving her perfect house in the loveliest of suburbs by ending it all. Now she takes us into the secret lives of her family, friends and neighbors, commenting from her unique P.O.V.
Her circle of girlfriends on Wisteria Lane include Susan Mayer ( Teri Hatcher), the divorcee who is now married to Mike and has a young son and teenage daughter; Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman), the cancer survivor who helps manage husband Tom's Pizzeria; Bree Van De Kamp ( Marcia Cross), Martha Stewart on steroids, widowed and remarried to Orson Hodge; and Gabrielle Solis ( Eva Longoria), the ex-model with everything she's ever wanted -- except loads of money; and serial divorcee Edie Britt (Nicollette Sheridan), the neighbor from hell who has a penchant for going after all the other women's men -- the wedding ring doesn't matter a bit to Edie.
The Men: Mike Delfino (Jamie Denton), the plumber who has won Susan's heart; Lynette's adorable husband, Tom (Doug Savant), with an illegitimate child and owner of Scavo's Pizzeria; Gabrielle's better half, Carlos (Ricardo Antonio Chavira), recently blinded by a tornado that swept through this quiet neighborhood, who has divorced and remarried Gabby.
From her unique vantage point, Mary Alice sees more now than she ever did alive, and she's planning to share all the delicious secrets that hide behind every neighbor's closed door in this seemingly perfect American suburb.
發生在Edie身上的一件事會在Fairview的左鄰右舍中引起怎樣的反應?Lynette的癌症病情進展如何?小區里又搬來了新鄰居,他們又是什么人? 一切都即將在9月30日《絕望家庭主婦》第四季首播中找到答案。
發生在紫藤街的好戲在新一季里將繼續上演。在上季最后一集中,John Slattery(飾演Victor Lang)迎娶了Eva Longoria所飾演的Gabrielle。
但是,在之后的采訪中John說過,他在劇中露面的時日不會太多了。這就意味著一出大戲將要上演。而這場戲肯定同Ricardo Antonio Chavira所飾演的Gabby的前夫Carlos有很大關系。
來自加拿大的喜劇明星Nathan Fillion在新季中將扮演一位新搬入的婦科醫生。另外,一對男同性戀伴侶也將是新的角色。他們的加入,也將為本劇增加更多喜劇色彩。
《絕望家庭主婦》的故事是從Mary Alice Young為了掩蓋一個驚天秘密而自殺身亡開始的。在每一集中,她都會以逝者的身份,從局外人的角度,用旁白的方式講述朋友的生活。這也是本劇制作上的亮點之一。
她的朋友包括:Susan Mayer,
一位在愛情的旅途上坎坷不斷的離異單身母親;Lynette Scavo,被事業和家庭搞得焦頭爛額的母親;Bree Van De Kamp,
養有兩個問題小孩的寡婦;Gabielle Solis,
曾做過當紅模特的她,擁有很多女人們夢寐以求的東西——富有的丈夫、豪宅、香車,但美滿的婚姻卻不肯眷顧她。還有一位多次離婚的Edie Britt,地產經濟人,她的愛情生活也是一團糟。