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22Feb2025 - 02:10 29 PM
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Crystal Wrinkle Treament Eye Mask 水晶15胜肽緊緻眼膜【我的心機】
Code : A064
Price : MYR2.00 SGD0.95 USD0.78 RMB5.40 MYR1.60 / SGD0.76 / USD0.62 / RMB4.32
Weight :10 g
Genre :Facial Mask ,
Discs :0

Effects: Argireline Peptide helps in absorption of the essence, aids in aggravating the growth of Collagen which helps in fading wrinkles, allowing the area around the eyes region to be tight and supple. Increase elasticity, prevents dryness, anti-dark circles and anti wrinkles. 利用天然海藻多糖,甲殼素、並添加15胜肽與彈力膠原蛋白等高機能複方精華液研發出 【水晶15胜肽緊緻眼膜】具有逆轉單向滲透吸收功能。能淡化肌膚紋路,讓眼周肌膚更加平滑細緻, 有效撫平皺紋,預防乾燥,改善眼部周圍暗沉肌膚,更生及活化膚質使眼周肌膚柔滑水嫩、 白皙透亮、緊膚除皺。 用法:取出眼膜敷於眼周下方,轻按各处水晶眼膜使其完全服贴,约15至25分钟后取下水晶眼膜,轻拍至精华液吸收,再依个人日常保养程序即可。 Effects: Argireline Peptide helps in absorption of the essence, aids in aggravating the growth of Collagen which helps in fading wrinkles, allowing the area around the eyes region to be tight and supple. Increase elasticity, prevents dryness, anti-dark circles and anti wrinkles.

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