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30Mar2025 - 06:03 54 AM
Category :


破尿酸锁水保湿面膜 【我的心机】
Code : A053
Price : MYR1.90 SGD0.90 USD0.74 RMB5.13 MYR1.52 / SGD0.72 / USD0.59 / RMB4.10
Weight :10 g
Genre :Facial Mask ,
Discs :0

玻尿酸鎖水保濕面膜,擁有極佳的保濕能力,讓肌膚更為光滑柔嫩及保濕。內含多種植物菁華,能適度補充肌膚所需營養,改善粗糙,缺水 龜裂等現象!
Function :
Premium hyaluronan mask with the best moisturizing effect gives you a smooth, gentle and moisture skin. With many types of plant essence, this mask supplements nutrition to the skin to improve the conditions such as roughness, dryness, and cracks.

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