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31Dec2024 - 01:45 07 AM
Category :


Dainty-Lycopen Mask 茄紅素面膜【丹堤】
Code : D005
Price : MYR1.50 SGD0.71 USD0.58 RMB4.05 MYR1.20 / SGD0.57 / USD0.47 / RMB3.24
Weight :10 g
Genre :Facial Mask ,
Discs :0

- Gives you a supple, silky and radiant look - Exfoliates dead skin cells - Possesses antioxidants to prevent skin damage from harmful UV rays - Whitening and re-hydration of skin - Suitable for all skin types especially those with dry skin and after tanning.
撫平毛細孔及細皺紋,提高肌膚鎖水能力! 茄紅素具極佳抗氧化能力守護肌膚對抗老化,整頓肌膚新陳代謝提升肌膚活力恢復緊緻光采,撫平擴張的毛細孔及細皺紋,提高肌膚鎖水能力,� {整肌膚正常機能為受損疲憊的肌膚帶來緊緻與彈性,適用疲憊、老化肌膚維持肌膚彈性與亮澤。 保湿、细嫩、消除暗沉 、活肤,气色好!适合暗沉肌肤

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