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30Mar2025 - 03:20 48 AM
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Deinty-Citronnella Mask 檸檬香茅保湿面膜【丹堤】
Code : D006
Price : MYR1.50 SGD0.71 USD0.58 RMB4.05 MYR1.20 / SGD0.57 / USD0.47 / RMB3.24
Weight :10 g
Genre :Facial Mask ,
Discs :0

Citronella mask helps you to get a firm & elastic skin. It is also able to control sebum secretions from the skin, thus making your skin less prone to the blemishes due to oily skin. The formula helps to restore skin structure making your skin soft and radiant. It also retains and replenishes moisture in the skin. Suitable for all skin types especially oily skin.
分解油脂、淨化毛孔,維持肌膚清爽舒適! 玻尿酸保濕成分能迅速滲透角質層,使保濕效果持續保持肌膚水漾潤澤,植物精華成分能平衡皮脂分泌提升肌膚防禦力,分解油脂淨化毛孔維持肌膚清爽舒適,預防和改善產生粉刺及面皰的問題肌膚。 保湿、美白, 去油、平衡油脂分泌,预防痘痘,让肌肤达到平衡状态 .

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