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22Feb2025 - 02:07 16 PM
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Camellia Japonica Hydrating Mask 日本山茶花保湿面膜 【我的心机】
Code : A020
Price : MYR1.90 SGD0.90 USD0.74 RMB5.13 MYR1.52 / SGD0.72 / USD0.59 / RMB4.10
Weight :10 g
Genre :Facial Mask ,
Discs :0

天然山茶花萃取液可增加肌膚保濕及平撫作用,同時具有修護功效,玻尿酸、鎖水磁石保濕因子、荷荷巴滋潤油能使肌膚的保水能力變好,提升肌膚保濕效果,全面緊實臉龐,透出水嫩光采。 Function :
The natural camellia extract increases the moisturizing and soothing function. And, it also repairs skin. Hyaluronan, saccharide isomerate moisturizing factor, and jojoba oil improve skin and prevent moisture loss. This mask improves hydrating effect and revitalizes your face for smooth and radiance effects.

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