Meet Meredith Grey. She's a woman trying to lead a real life while doing a job that makes having a real life impossible. Meredith is a first year surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital, the toughest surgical residency program west of Harvard. She and fellow first-year interns Christina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O'Malley and Alex Karev were students yesterday.....
歡迎來到Grace醫院,west of Harvard最艱苦的外科住院醫實習程序,醫務新人最殘酷的訓練場.Meredith, Izzie 和 Christina,昨天還是學生,今天已是大夫.如果他們能挺過Grace醫院的7年煉獄考驗,她們就能成為合格的外科醫生.然而擺在這三人組面前的, 不僅是艱苦的實習培訓。。。