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05Feb2025 - 12:52 23 PM
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ED: The Lost World The Complete 1-3 Season
Code : W001137
Price : MYR79.90 SGD37.95 USD31.16 RMB215.73 MYR63.92 / SGD30.36 / USD24.93 / RMB172.58
Weight :250 g
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Wismaju Sdn Bhd ,

Determined to prove the existence of The lost World, dashing adventurer and scholar Professor George Challenger mounts a British expedition team consisting of a mismatched group of enthusiasts, all with less than selfless reasons for making the journey. Traveling through the uncharted Amazon jungle to this prehistoric plateau, the group encounters incredible adventures: tribal headhunters, vicious apemen, giant crocodiles and terrifying dinosaurs! This thrilling spectacle from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, brings action and excitement into your home with this special boxed set containing the entire first season of this one-of-a-kind TV hit! 20世纪初,一支大胆的科学家探险队深入地图上没有记录的亚马逊腹地,在遭遇事故之后,幸存者流亡到传说中的“失落的世界”,并且被困在当地进退两难。这是一片充满神秘色彩的高原,被恐龙所统治,许多失落的文明在此异常繁荣,自然法则和超自然的异能现象同时并存。 这支探险队由查林格教授领导,他是一位富有争议的科学家,一些人把他称作“幻想家”,另一些人则讥笑他为“吹牛大王”。查林格决心证明史书上记载的“失落的世界”确实存在......

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