Based on the best-selling book by Candace Bushnell (Sex and the City), this enticing new comedy-drama follows three high-powered friends as they weather the ups and downs of lives lived at the top of their game. Nico, editor-in-chief of a hot fashion magazine, has her eye on becoming CEO. Movie exec Wendy does everything she can to balance career and family. And free-spirited designer Victory longs to make her dreams come true, and maybe find Mr. Right along the way. Armed with humor and strength, these three modern New York women support one another through the triumphs and tears that are all part of making it big in The Big Apple 故事围绕纽约市三位相互熟识的商界女强人展开。Nico是一本热销时尚杂志的总编辑,一心想成为集团的CEO;电影制片人Wendy尽其所能在事业和家庭之间作出平衡;而自由自在的设计师Victory总是希望自己的一切美梦都成真,并且找到自己的白马王子。这三位现代女性对于成功的渴望让她们所向披靡,但是成功的代价又是什么呢?