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05Feb2025 - 12:45 04 PM
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ED:Day Break First Season 破日DVD9
Code : w001044
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :200 g
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer : ,

Los Angeles Detective Brett Hopper is stuck repeating the same day, in which he is framed for the murder of the Assistant District Attorney, Alberto Garza. Each day, he attempts to uncover clues to the homicide that has him on the run for his freedom. Hopper must clear his name, but those close to him get caught in the web of conspiracy that will put their lives in danger. Detective Brett Hopper is having a really bad day, accused of killing Asst. DA Alberto Garza. He has an alibi, but no one believes him. When he realizes that he has been framed, he tries to run away but has to stop when he learns that his loved ones are also in danger. But one morning, he wakes up and relives the same day over and over again. To stop this cycle, solve the mystery and have a normal life, he must find out who framed him. 你是否曾经有过无法忍受的坏到不能再坏的一天?所有的一切都不可控制的出错。但是你却跨不过去这一天。你会怎么做? 今天Brett Hopper因为射杀州检察官Alberto Garza而被起诉。他要为自己辩护,他会发现他被禁锢了,他要从中解脱,然后他醒来会发现这可怕的一天周而复始重新禁锢他。这一次他将会有怎么不同的举动?还是重复前一天的活动?他被困在了那一天,除非他找到是谁困住了他,除非他找到能为自己作证的证人,除非他保住他所爱之人的性命。Hopper有什么优势吗?是的,他记得"前一天"他所做的一切。他仍然顾虑充满过错的一天所带来的伤痕,这让他很痛苦。却无法从这个禁锢中逃脱出来。 如果你也被禁锢在某一天,你会怎么做?在现实中不可能发生的事情,在这部剧中向你展露痛苦却可以修改的面容。究竟谁是幕后黑手,究竟是谁禁锢了Hopper,究竟Hopper的人生会怎样演变?风软11月,携手ABC,精彩延续。

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