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06Feb2025 - 02:08 12 AM
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Wrestle Mania 美国职业摔角大联盟 第一部DVD9
Code : W000247
Price : MYR79.90 SGD37.95 USD31.16 RMB215.73 MYR63.92 / SGD30.36 / USD24.93 / RMB172.58
Weight :250 g
Genre :Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Speedy Video Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

Wrestle a match to have already populared last a hundred years in the United States, originate the soldier sergeant a soldier to amuse oneself from the joy at first. 60's last century, the United States wrestled an alliance (WWF) to establish, concentrating on to wrestle the amusement performance and expanding. At present, wrestle game conduct and actions a kind of representative and American popular culture, in the world-wide locations widely for spread. Wrappingviolence, strike and kick nakedly, plus the strange costume of the contestants, music of [with] the changes feeling, plan with meticulous care of the movable details aroused the atmosphere of the side of the field. Game the process has design composition much, so the gain or loss of the condition doesn't represent the contestant level, the manuscript decision everything, let the crazy heat of the audience make track for to hold, the deep concern of the medium, just is they win greatly.

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