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14Mar2025 - 01:15 58 PM
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ED: The OC The Complete Four Season DVD9
Code : W000417
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :200 g
Staring :Peter Gallagher , Kelly Rowan , Benjamin McKenzie , Adam Brody , Mischa Barton , Rachel Bilson , Melinda Clarke ,
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Mitsuri Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

Season One The first season of The O.C. premiered on August 5, 2003 in the United States, featuring a total of 27 episodes. The premiere shows a new life for Ryan Atwood, a struggling 16 year old high school student from Chino, California. He is sent to jail and meets his attorney, Sanford Cohen, who gets him out. Sandy accepts him in his house and Ryan is introduced to this new life of luxury and wealth. He now lives with Sandy, his wife Kirsten, and their 16-year-old son, the geeky-good looking Seth. During the season, Ryan and Marissa, the beautiful next-door neighbor, develop a relationship despite Marissa having a boyfriend, the jock Luke. Seth had always been in love with Summer, Marissa's best friend, but she didn't even know his name. Later on they fall in love despite Seth's brief relationship with Anna Stern. Jimmy, Marissa's dad, lands in financial trouble, so Julie, his wife, leaves him. Ryan and Marissa's relationship falls apart when new kid on the block Oliver Trask comes to town. His overpossessive and turbulent past drives a wedge in between Ryan and Marissa's relationship leading to their break up. Trask then threatens to kill himself but is talked out of doing so by Ryan. Luke starts dating Julie secretly. Marissa finds out and the couple has to break up. Near the end of the season, Julie and Caleb, Kirsten's father, get married. Ryan discovers that he may be the father of the unborn child of his ex-girlfriend, Theresa, who Ryan has a brief relationship with after his break up with Marissa. He decides to leave the Cohen family and his current girlfriend, Marissa, to support her through her pregnancy. Upon finding out that Ryan is moving back to Chino with Theresa, Seth sails away in his boat, leaving farewell notes for his parents and Summer.  《The O.C.》讲述了生活在纽波特海滨的科恩(Cohen),库珀(cooper)和尼科尔(Nichol)三个家庭的故事,剧中的男主角----问题少年瑞恩.埃伍德(ryan atwood),在另一座城市的贫民区长到18岁,而空想理论家桑迪.科恩,因负责监管瑞恩的生活让他住进了自己位于纽波特海滨的家中。桑迪的妻子凯斯顿----一位美丽又富有的女人,当年的校花,完美的配偶,母亲,女生意人,对瑞恩的到来并不欢迎。她担心瑞恩会对自己年少的儿子塞斯产生不良影响。就这样,充满热情的梦想家瑞恩贸然闯进了这个陌生的世界,却被他的同类排斥在心门之外。虽然桑迪愿意在任何事情上帮助瑞恩,但凯斯顿的冷漠也导致了瑞恩离家出走的一幕…… 而让整个情形变得有趣的是住在隔壁的玛丽莎.库珀,一位心灵受伤的美丽女孩,总是安静被动地生活着,瑞恩对她一见钟情,但是玛丽莎已经有了男朋友。这时,玛丽莎那位举止轻率的父亲吉米遇到了财政危机,并威胁要将玛丽莎的生活彻底毁掉……《The O.C.》是一部关于父亲与儿子,丈夫与妻子,正在成长的3个少年的故事,瑞恩的到来成为铸造新联盟的催化剂,旧的火焰重新点燃,而不太可靠的友情也随之诞生……

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