The show follows the lives of Al Bundy, a once-glorious high school football player turned hard-luck salesman of women's shoes; his wife, Peggy, a tartish, uneducated housewife known for her large red bouffant hairdo, 1960s clothes, and funny walk, due to always wearing high heels; and their two children: Kelly, their attractive, promiscuous, dim-witted daughter; and Bud, their unpopular and girl-crazy, but intelligent, son (the only Bundy who ever attended college). Their neighbors are the upwardly-mobile Steve and Marcy Rhoades. (Marcy later marries Jefferson D'Arcy.) Most storylines involve a scheming Al being foiled by his cartoonish dim wit and bad luck. His rivalry and loathing of Marcy also play a significant role in most episodes.