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05Feb2025 - 12:41 46 PM
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ED;Primeval Sanctuary The Complete Season One DVD9
Code : w000960
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :200 g
Staring :Juliet Aubrey , Lucy Brown , Jason Flemyng , Douglas Henshall , Ben Miller , Andrew Lee Potts , Laila Rouass , Hannah Spearritt ,
Director :Jamie Payne , Cilla Ware ,
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,

Primeval, a high-budget series, follows Professor Nick Cutter and his team as they investigate anomalies in time found in the Forest of Dean. An unfortunate side-effect of the anomalies is that dinosaurs are moving through them and into the present time, making the team's investigations that much more stressful. Cutter's wife also disappears while investigating the anomalies and he makes it his mission to find and save her. 《远古入侵》是一部投资巨大的科幻电视剧,首播于英国ITV电视一台。故事讲述了Nick Cutter教授和他的小组在迪恩森林调查时发现了时空异常现象,这种异常产生的副作用直接导致远古时代的恐龙和许多令人难以想象的生物来到今天的地球。 调查中,Cutter教授的妻子失踪了,Cutter教授不顾一切地想要找到她。 《远古入侵》是由英国广播公司BBC皇牌制作《与龙同行》的监制精心策划,他将惊险的动作设计、紧张悬疑的节奏、天马行空的时光穿梭,以及刻骨铭心的爱情故事共冶一炉,炮制出这部结合尖端计算机特技效果的连续剧,其高质素更可媲美好莱坞电影制作! 首集会把史前生物带到二十一世纪。凶猛的、惹人喜爱的、困惑的史前生物都会一一呈现观众眼前!不论过去和未来的生物,都走进一个不属于牠们的现代世界。历史会否因此而改写?面对史无前例的威胁,人类能否化险为夷? 为 了保卫人类的安全,Cutter教授和他的搭挡歇力阻止这些史前生物的入侵。与凶猛的恐龙、巨大的昆虫、史前的附生植物等接触,他们又会遇到什么危机?然 而,最令人意想不到的是,这些史前生物的入侵竟为Cutter教授带来一点希望──Cutter教授的太太Helen于八年前失踪,大家都认定她已离开人 世。可是,Cutter教授却发现Helen其实是因时空错乱而到了另一个空间……

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