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05Feb2025 - 12:53 07 PM
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English Drama:Ingmar Bergman DVD
Code : W000705
Price : MYR159.90 SGD75.95 USD62.36 RMB431.73 MYR127.92 / SGD60.76 / USD49.89 / RMB345.38
Weight :500 g
Staring :Ingmar Bergman ,
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC , PAL ,
Discs :8
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Zhou Wei ,

He directed 62 films, most of which he wrote, and directed over 170 plays. Some of his internationally known favorite actors were Liv Ullmann and Max von Sydow. Most of his films were set in the landscape of his native Sweden. The themes were often bleak, dealing with illness, betrayal, and insanity. He is considered to be one of the most widely revered filmakers of the 20th Century along with another influential filmaker, Federico Fellini.

Bergman was active for more than 60 years, but his career was seriously threatened in 1976 when he suspended a number of pending productions, closed his studios, and went into self-imposed exile in Germany for eight years following a botched criminal investigation for alleged income tax evasion. Bergman 1918年7月14日出生于瑞典乌普萨拉一个具有浓厚宗教气氛的家庭,他的父亲是一个虔诚的路德教徒,Bergman的童年并不自由,充斥了残酷和压抑,父亲对他严厉的态度 让他在之后的创作之路上一直渗透淡淡的苦难。

  1937年,Bergman进入斯德哥尔摩大学攻读文学和艺术史,莎士比亚和斯特林堡等著名戏剧作家的作品给了他最初的灵感和启示,1944年,年仅 26岁的他写出人生第一个电影剧本《折磨》,剧本以校园生活为题材,纠缠了专制和压迫,后50年代初,他的作品已经丰盛,《夏夜的微笑》、《第七封印》、《野草莓》、《魔术师》,一系列经典让他迅速跻身世界名导行列。


  虽然,Bergman的电影总是相关苦难,而在他的电影最后,往往透露出对美好生活的向往, 1981年,他拍摄了电影《芳妮和亚历山大》,这部阵容超级强大,记录了他以往电影所有元素的电影,成为他电影人生的结尾,也为他的艺术传记画上完美句号。

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