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05Feb2025 - 12:38 39 PM
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English Drama : Dark Angel Season 1-2 DVD9 末世黑天使
Code : W000560
Price : MYR79.90 SGD37.95 USD31.16 RMB215.73 MYR63.92 / SGD30.36 / USD24.93 / RMB172.58
Weight :250 g
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer : ,

In a future of political, economic and more collapse, a genetically enhanced superhuman prototype named MAx escapes from military confinas and dwells amidst the decadent undergorund strrt life of *Seattle* to avoid governament agents who want to bring her back into the fold. Seaching forother of her kind whowere scatterd in the aftermath of her escape, Max encounters Logan, an idealistic cyber-journalist battling repression and corruption in post-apocalypse America. Eventually, Logan calls her to the highest part of her being and MAx becomes his samurai as the new millennium. MAx and Logan's odyssey leads them closer to the secret of the their past, deepening and complicating their relationship in the process.

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