he story centers on individuals who are gifted with super natural powers and use them for different purposes including holding a business, solving mysteries, and carrying out missions assigned by the mafia. The story mainly follows the members of the...
CID officer Lai Yat-tsau (Bosco Wong) parents died early, leaving him to take care of his three younger sisters. First younger sister Lai Suk-chu (Kayi Cheung) is a prestigious kindergarten school superintendent who is kind but gullible. Middle young...
Federation troops and Zeon forces carry out a fierce battle in the Thunderbolt Sector in what was once Side 4 "Moore." The Thunderbolt Sector is a shoal zone composed of the debris of destroyed space colonies, named for the electrical discharges from...
It's been two years since Gengetsu Kibaoni's defeat, and the Ninningers fulfill their promise to return to the dojo in that time period to see each other's progress in getting stronger. Takaharu was the first to return but once entering the dojo, sev...
Kae Serinuma is a second year high schooler and an avid fujoshi who secretly ships her classmates, Igarashi-kun and Nanashima-kun. The death of her favorite anime character causes her to become stressed—and loses weight rapidly. Now that Serinu...
In Reborn! a boy, Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, is chosen to become the tenth boss of the Vongola Family, as he is the great-great-great-great grandson of the first Vongola boss—who moved to Japan from Italy. Timoteo, the Vongola IX...
Assassination Classroom the Movie: 365 Days (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: 365-Nichi no Jikan 劇場版『暗殺教室』365日の時間) is a sequel summary anime movie that summarizes the entire anime series featuring adult Nagisa and Karma telli...
Tomoya Aki, a male high school teenager who works part-time to fund his otaku lifestyle (anime, dating sims, and related merchandise) encounters a beautiful girl one day during spring vacation. A month later, he finds out that the girl...
Kosei Arima is a pianist who has won many awards and recognition due to his precision, timing, and ability to switch between tempos easily, earning him the moniker "human metronome". However, he came so far to his position because he was meticul...
Ikegami Tatsuya works for a real estate company, on an urban development project that costs billions of yen. The city of Sachio is currently proposed as the site of the project. To buy the necessary land, Tatsuya has to find out who the owners are...
30 young men and women who came together on a shady bus tour. The tour's destination: an illusive, possibly nonexistent village called Nanakimura. In Nanakimura, one can lead a utopian existence, free of the world's obstacles … or so it was ru...
Jong-Boon (Kim Hyang-Gi) and Young-Ae (Kim Sae-Ron) live in the same Korean village, but they come from totally different backgrounds. Jong-Boon's family is poor, but she is a bright and brave girl. Young-Ae's family is wealthy and she is smart.
Having always had an interest in theater but struggling to talk with others, Hinako Sakuragi moves to Tokyo to attend Fujiyama High School, staying as a resident at the Hitotose bookstore. Upon learning that the school's theater club is actually on h...
The fourth season centers around Akari's new unit with Sumire Hikami and Hinaki Shinjo, Luminas, going on a nationwide tour and meeting with idols from all over Japan. With these meetings, it prepares them for the big event - The Starlight Queen Cup.
Kyoko (Haruka Ayase) keeps an eye on the man on the operating table. She holds no emotion on her face. She looks like she gives up on everything. Kyoko has a mission. That mission is …
20 years ago, Kyoko, Tomohiko and Miwa lived and studied ...
Sakamichi Onoda is an otaku, an anime obsessive, who has just entered high school and plans to join the anime club. In middle school, Onoda did not have any friends with whom he could talk about anime, games, Akihabara, and other otaku things and ...
Top actor Ji Eun-ho hires ghostwriter Seo Jung-eun to write his autobiography in 2015. Eun-ho is tense, irritable and difficult to work with, but Jung-eun finds her assignment fascinating because Eun-ho claims he began acting not because he wanted ...
Kim Ji-hyuk grew up a penniless orphan and lived a "third-rate life" before deciding to turn himself around and work himself to the bone, with humble dreams of owning his own restaurant. He gets entangled in a plan to save the life of Kang Dong-se...
The story follows two men, Hiraga Josef Kō and Roberto Nicholas, who work for the mysterious organization The Seat of the Saints (聖徒の座 Seito no Za), an element of the Vatican dedicated to investigating alleged miracles; ...