Based on a popular long-running TV programme which explores the unseen and unexplainable, this big screen version follows a film crew to the eerie and mysterious location of Thailand. While they are shooting a new series of the programme, the crew is...
Laughing (Michael Tse) is formally a police undercover. However due to a drug trafficking case, Officer Pun (Felix Wong) is hot on his trails.Before Laughing becomes a police undercover, he works under triad Brother One (Anthony Wong). Brother One tr...
At the Hong Kong Police Force Commercial Crime Bureau, an operation is under way against insider trading involving Feng Hua International, a listed company. A man nicknamed the “Boss” is behind it all, and identified as the chief suspect....
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the country is in turmoil and the Manchurians are poised to advance upon the capital of Beijing. The city is in a chaos, with martial arts masters from royal guards to local bandits gathering in the city vying for the ...
A professional crime organization, led by Cheung Ge Ho who is so smart, intelligent and tough, successfully kidnaps the son of a famous billionaire and collects a huge amount of ransom. More over Cheung joins force with the most dangerous fugitive Cy...
Fatt (Richie Jen) has introduce his girlfriend Rachel (Kate Tsui) to his conservative father (Yuen Wah). Knowing that his father will never accept his Westernized girlfriend, Fatt decides to hire a "contract lover" to meet him instead. Zao (Fan Bing ...
Jenny wakes up one morning and decides to leave her lover. He is a triad boss SATO. She takes a bag of Sato's money, which is the ransom money to TANG, a thief who has a diary with explicit details of Sato's triad activities. Tang is deeply in need o...
Intrepid archeologist Jack (JACKIE CHAN) and ambitious scientist William (TONY LEUNG KA FAI) set out on an adventure that would lead them to the greatest discovery in Chinese history. Through strange and provacative dreams, Jack sees himself reincarn...
Five thrill-seeking teenagers embark on the journey to explore the lurid landscape of the other world through a Thai book that consolidates 10 ways to see ghosts. Oblivious to the underlying principal of the "10" their morbid appetite for fear is to ...
Sing and Ling are originally lovers, coincidentally, both of them become the main characters of the well-known film Days of Tomorrow. A tragic affair then began with the production of the film, and Day of Tomorrow seemed to witness the reunion and se...
Since Lap Lan Secondary School had undergo a fire ten years ago, without any reasons there are aleays a silhouette show on the wall and somone is singing in the middle of the night. All different kind of scary and horrible rumors are spread around th...
Six twentysomethings from their own worlds converge at a bargain apartment affordable by one but perfect for six. With a goal to reach, a deal they make, and a year to complete, they 'fulfill' them with indulging pleasures and, endless games of truth...
Zhuo is the student of Wu Dong, while Lian is the follower of Mo Curt. They fell in love with each other despite of their controversial position and lead an uneasy romance. Burdened by the duty to Wu Dong to save Princess Cheung, Zhuo is forced to ab...
What do you get when you have a precious jewel, a group of bumbling thieves intent on getting their hands on it, the mob wanting a piece of the action and a loyal but mischievous security guard all thrown in together? Crazy Stone. It's fast-paced, wi...
Because of a girl, Ann, David is badly hit by a triad kingpin. He continues to take revenge. He shows his ability and make the kingpin accept his joining in the society. Then he sets up a plan which, however, unexpectedly leads to the death of Ann an...
On the marriage day of Macy, her bridegroom Takahashi does not show up. Macy comes to Tokyo to look for him. She meets Tommy, an interior designer who wants to collect debt from Takahashi, and Lenny, a private eye who is hired by a gangster boss to s...
Live Action I
This tanpatsu celebrates the tenth year of this popular Japanese anime, originally a manga created by Aoyama Gosho. The story takes place when Shinichi was still a high school student. The talented young detective Kudo Shinichi recei...
Love is a virus. It incubates silently. It strikes suddenly. It blinds your immunity. It spreads by way of intimate contacts. Its favorite breeding ground – small, crowded, claustrophobic spaces such as an office.
Pearl, a marketing executive in ...