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14Mar2025 - 03:09 23 PM
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I Corrupt All Cops 金钱帝国 DVD
Code : 4744221040013
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :陈奕迅 , Eason Chan , 梁家辉 , Tony Leung , 黄秋生 , Anthony Wong , 方力申 , Alex Fong , 林保怡 , Bowie Lam ,
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

1963-1973年,在英国管治香港期间,曾经有一段黑暗时期。 当时,警队贪污受贿是公开的秘密。单单在1963至1973十年间,香港警员贪污的金额达到当时的100亿,约相等于2009年的5000亿! 作为整个贪污帝国的“皇帝”——香港总华探长乐哥 (梁家辉饰),手下圈养多条“毒蛇猛兽”。不仅有像猪油糕(王晶饰)这样专门负责联通黑白两道的古惑老大,也有滥赌成性的辣手探长火麒麟 (黄秋生饰),关键时候能为各种错案找代罪羔羊。而探长陈细九 (陈奕迅饰)则是乐哥下属唯一一个天良未丧的好心人,因球技了得获乐哥赏识。 庞大的组织,无孔不入的手段,乐哥和其一班兄弟过着常人难以想象的花天酒地,挥金如土的生活,并用自己的一整套“处世哲学”以及巨大金钱的力量把香港99%的警察拖下水。 就在乐哥以为自己能只手遮天永世逍遥的时候,香港成立了廉政公署,由干练的严国梁 (林保怡饰)带领一干青年才俊,下定决心杜绝一切贪污舞弊,恢复香港政府和警界的严肃清白。 于是,一场惊心动魄、旷达持久的反贪战争就此拉开序幕,这是正义和邪恶之间的殊死搏斗……

During the time Hong Kong was under British rule, there was a dark age when corruption and bribery were the order of the day. At that time the head of this empire of graft is Lak, the Chinese Chief constable. Whenever he fails to apprehend a fellow, his subordinate Unicorn (Anthony) will frame an innocent in it’s place. In an incident Bong (Alex), aiversity custody was framed and when he refuse to admit he was badly bitten. Thanks to Gold (Wong Jing), Bong’s mother managed to get Bong released. Meanwhile Lak takes a new recruit Gale (Eason) under his wings. Due to a personal conflict Lak and Unicorn went their separate ways. Then in the early 1970s, the Governor of Hong Kong decided to clean up the police force and an operation branch ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) was set-up headed by Yim (Bowie). To avenge their humiliation, both Unicorn and Bong joins ICAC to crush Lak and the gang.


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