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13Mar2025 - 03:57 28 AM
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Claustrophobia 亲密DVD
Code : 8886356036021
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :Ekin Cheng , Karena Lam ,
Genre :Comedy / Love , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Innoform Media (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Love is a virus. It incubates silently. It strikes suddenly. It blinds your immunity. It spreads by way of intimate contacts. Its favorite breeding ground – small, crowded, claustrophobic spaces such as an office. Pearl, a marketing executive in her twenties, finds herself being drawn closer and closer to Tom, her married-with-kid boss. She has been working for him for quite some time. Their five-member team works in a compact, crowded office where they spend 8 to 10 hours every day, 5 to 6 days a week. Most days, Pearl bums a ride home after work in Tom’s car, along with Karl, a middle-aged nuisance; John, a serious-looking nerd; and Jewel, a self-serving flirt. Tom, always a good boss, is as kind and tolerant as he could manage. But what lies beneath Tom’s gentle façade no one knows for sure. “Is this love?” Pearl ponders. If so, is the feeling mutual? How and when did a normal working relationship gradually evolve into something romantic? What should she do now? The anxiety is becoming unbearable. The bubble bursts abruptly as Tom, who has come to realize that they are going down the wrong path, asks Pearl to interview for another job. The deeply wounded Pearl retaliates by insisting that Tom sack her. So that is how it ends, a showdown. Told in eight scenes retrospectively, the film examines the mysterious blossoming and dying of an elusive affair. The saddest thing about this is: it is such a commonplace happening. In the tiny universe known as office, two powerful forces are at play – politics and romance.

爱情有如过滤性病毒,无声潜伏,借势蔓延辙。它偏爱狭小而挤逼的恕空间,例如大城市的办公室。   故事的主角阿佩正深受其扰,独身的她不幸地对已婚的上司汤少产诈生不能自拔的爱意。他们这一支五人市务推广小组,每周五至六天每天八至十小时挨鼻子挨眼睛地干活。下班后,佩与其它三人:贪玩风骚的珠珠、邵木泻讷讷的松仔、及资历最老的球叔,总坐上汤少的顺风车回家。汤少无疑是照顾下属的好上司,但他温文和气的外表下,也许藏着一颗摸不透的心。   "这真是爱情吗?"佩左思右想,忐忑不安。汤少即或对她有感觉,却从不表态,疑幻疑真。原本普通的同事关系,究竟是如何开始变质了?如今她该怎么办?这太磨人了!   出乎意外地,她的疑难倒由汤少大刀阔斧地解决掉。也许他也感到事情正在不妙地变化。他推荐佩转职到别家公司。深感伤害的佩冷言拒绝,让汤干脆辞退她。两人的关系,遂以对峙告终。   借着八场戏的篇幅,本片以结局为始,倒叙回溯这段乍隐乍现情缘的起承转合。最令人感到无奈的是,这种爱情故事多么普通、多么耳熟能详!每一天,每间办公室里,总有大同小异的故事在上演。办公室里头的人要不斗个你死我活,要不爱至两败俱伤。   笔触细腻,近年屡获殊荣的编剧岸西首执导筒,剖析都市中的爱情心事。《亲密》像一首轻轻的旋律,淡淡的来,却萦绕不退。


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