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05Feb2025 - 02:09 55 PM
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DVD The Happy Ghost 开心鬼 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555186800346
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :黄百鸣 , 罗明珠 , 李丽珍 , 高志森 , 李珊珊 , 杜丽莎 , 林珊珊 ,
Director :高志森 ,
Year :1984
Genre :Comedy / Love , Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :3 ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Speedy Video Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

女校高中五年級學生林菁菁﹝羅明珠� {、林小花﹝李麗珍� {及顏如玉﹝林珊珊� {,在旅行到古廟避雨時,忙亂間菁將一條殘舊的麻繩帶回學校宿舍,該麻繩原來乃清代落第書生秀才﹝黃百鳴� {用以吊頸自盡,現為其魂所依附,故朱也被帶返。甫入菁房,朱立刻被這花花小世界所吸引,急不及待跑出來一開眼界,鬧出不少笑話。幸好,菁願與它為友,並帶朱參觀校運會。在競賽時,朱更助菁奪得全場冠軍。菁大喜,決定將這學者神仙介紹給玉和花認識。朱誇耀自己的學識,令三人盲目祟拜,事事依賴朱榜眼相助。惜在結業試時…… Three high school students, Bonnie, Juilet and Venus, in their last year in school together, go on their last picnic before their examinations. Taking shelter from a sudden storm in an abandoned temple, Bonnie finds a piece of rope and takes it home. With this rope she brings home a spirit of the Ching Dynasty, Scholar Pik (Raymond Wong), whose archai ways of thinking obviously clashed with the values held by a twentieth century teenager. Yet, they began to make friends with each other, and Scholar Pik even helped Bonnie to win the first price in the annual school sports day. Bonnie introduces Scholar Pik to Juilet and Venus. The three girls adore Scholar Pik's talent and magic. They begin to depend on his help in everything...


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