The story follows the travels of a boy named Aladdin around a strange land in which mysterious ruins called dungeons are said to house priceless treasures. Aladdin meets a friend, Alibaba, who strives to conquer a dungeon and obtain its treasures. Th...
Ten years ago, a gigantic demon beast known as the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was released from its jinchuuriki by an unknown shinobi wearing a mask. The village of Konohagakure was close to destruction by the attack of the Nine-Tails, but the village was...
One of the longest running franchises in Korean film history, Marrying the Mafia is back for its 10th anniversary with its fifth film! While the series shifted its attention to another family for the middle three installments, the fifth Marrying the ...
In the battle for supremacy in Consume continent between parodical Segua (Sega) Kingdom and Ninteldo (Nintendo) Empire, the light-footed Gear (Sonic) appeared to defend his kingdom from the threat of Ninteldo's powerful emperor, Marcus (Mario).
The story is set in a world embroiled by war between Humans and Demons. The Humans' greatest warrior known as the Hero invades the castle of the Demon King (魔王 Maō?), leader of the Demons who is actually a Queen, as he is determined to vanquis...
A gaudily dressed female broker speaks with a strange Kansai accent... Himekawa Reiko (Takeuchi Yuko) has disguised as a female buyer from Kansai and moves around fellow brokers to gather information on a gang of swindlers that coldly establishes its...
In the special's story, Onizuka throws a Christmas party for his students before the winter break, but Miki (played by Mariya Nishiuchi) alone feels depressed. Additionally, Miki and her classmates attend a short cram school session during winter bre...
Echizen, who is a modest woman, works at a fish cake plant. Instead of keeping a diary, she draws cartoons of "Nakuna, Harachan" on her notebook about her daily life. The main character in her comic, Hara (Tomoya Nagase) then appears in the real worl...
Asuna is a young girl who has been forced to grow-up quickly due to the death of her father, while her mother, a nurse, works long shifts at a hospital. Asuna spends her solitary days listening to the mysterious music emanating from the cat's-whis...
In Tokyo's downtown district of Ikebukuro, amidst many strange rumors and warnings of anonymous gangs and dangerous occupants, one urban legend stands out above the rest—the existence of a headless "Black Rider" who is said to be seen driving a...
The story takes place in a universe where historical WWII-era tanks are maintained for sports warfare competitions and large carrier ships known as Academy Ships support mobile sea communities. Of the many activities high school girls can participate...
《香港玄案》(英语:Hong Kong Enigmata)是香港電視廣播有限公司製作的玄學節目,全節目共20集,由朱維德、李丞責、陳敏之、劉倩婷主持,�