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06Feb2025 - 01:08 44 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

ANIME DVD Maoyuu Mao Yuusha Vol.1-12 End By Naruhisa Arakawa / 残寒陞消 (A19)
Code : 9555652700712
Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
Weight :195 g
Director :Takeo Takahashi ,
Year :2013
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/酒悶猟忖 , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Glorious Media Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :ANIME 強只 ,

The story is set in a world embroiled by war between Humans and Demons. The Humans' greatest warrior known as the Hero invades the castle of the Demon King (徴藍 Ma┃?), leader of the Demons who is actually a Queen, as he is determined to vanquish her. However, instead of fighting back, the Demon Queen proposes an alliance with the Hero. She explains how a sudden end to the war can bring further chaos to the world as the Humans, once united to stand against their common enemies, would eventually begin fighting among themselves, with similar issues already occurring in the Demon Realm. Convinced by her words, the Hero joins forces with the Queen and together they execute a plan to bring prosperity and a lasting peace to both Humans and Demons alike.

麗Zは繁gと徴のgに蚯によってきzま弊順にO協されているヒ`ロ`として岑られている繁gの恷もゴな虔徴藍徴藍MAOに盃秘し泳は泳溺を嬉ちかすと登僅されたようにgHに溺藍であるのリ`ダ`しかし旗わりにのため、溺藍はヒ`ロ`との揖男を戻宛している泳溺はへの融隼のK阻は、恷K議に揖じような}はすでにレルムでk伏する徭蛍たちの嶄で蜉L_兵すると匯業泳らの慌宥に羨ち鬚うために盻Yヒト、弊順にさらなる詞岱をもたらすことができる圭隈をh苧します。泳溺の冱~に� {誼しヒ`ロ`溺藍と薦をY栽し、匯wに泳らは訓僂揖に繁gとのI圭に喟A議な峠才をもたらすための鮫をg佩する

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