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06Feb2025 - 12:04 36 AM
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DVD Juvenile Offender 犯罪少年 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 6855935007013
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :180 g
Staring :李贞贤 , 徐英洙 , 崔元泰 ,
Director :康理贯 ,
Year :2012
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

犯罪少年[3] 》影片讲述,身负大量前科的不良少年Ji-gu和重病卧床的爷爷相依为命,并和有着相似苦难生活背景的少女(Sae- rom) 偷尝了情爱的禁果。此后,却因和其他少年一起进入人家实行偷盗和破坏被警察抓捕,被判进劳教所。爷爷因缺乏照顾而过世后,少年却意外的遇到了13年前抛弃 自己逃走的母亲Hyo Seung。两人开始了相依为命的生活。原来母亲生下Ji-gu也是17岁时冲动惹的祸,而她甚至不知道孩子父亲的真实姓名。而他们想回归普通人生活的想 法也在被社会一次次拒绝后彻底失败。Sae-rom因怀了Ji-gu的孩子而被家庭赶出,住在少年管理所。虽然Ji-gu给她的生活带来了无法挽回的灾 难,但是最后她还是选择和这个男孩在一起。Ji-gu向母亲说明了女孩的事结果勾起了母亲的伤痛,两人大吵一架之后又各自天涯。母亲去了色情行业做 工,Ji-gu因为打架再次被抓紧少年管制所,而Sae-rom则离开了他们一起打工的地方。 本片的主题沉重,故事背景是1990年代韩国经济萧条的时候。在这样的环境之下,在人生之路上失足的孩子们不仅不能 得到正确的引导,反而越来越被社会排挤,越来越靠近社会边缘灰色地带,逐渐堕入永远无法超脱的恶性循环。本片的日语译名《不成熟的犯罪者》或许更加贴切电 影的主题,无论是青春期的男孩女孩,还是那个已经走向中年的母亲,事实上都是在很不成熟的年龄犯了错,却从此无法翻身。然而这些社会问题少年,在被社会认 定为盗窃成性,滥用暴力的同时也保有一颗求生的心,和仅存的和同龄人一样的纯真。片中的母亲17岁时“失足”之后一生用谎言和伪装维系着生活,却还常带着 对生活的向往和乐观。而在儿子的女友身上发生的事,很难说是否会成为另一个“母亲”的翻版。结尾一切突然停止在母亲惯有的笑脸上,用一个比较开放的结局留 给人们以想象的空间。

Ji-gu is a 16-year-old juvenile offender under probation who lives with his only known relative - his grandfather who is sick in bed all the time with severe diabetic complications. To Ji-gu, home is only a place that stinks with sickness and school, a place to hang out. His only interest in life is his sweet new girlfriend Sae-rom. One day, he gets caught after committing burglary with the neighborhood big boys. And without a parent to plead for him, the judge sentences Ji-gu to the juvenile reformatory while others get lighter penalties.

11 months later, Ji-gu is informed that his grandfather has passed away. After the funeral, his teacher tracks down Ji-gu’s mom, whom Ji-gu thought was dead but in fact had ran away from home after giving birth to Ji-gu at age 17. Ji-gu is simply shocked to realize that he has a mother. But after he gets discharged from the juvenile reformatory, he and his young mother try to make up for their time lost. Ji-gu starts off living together with his mother with high expectations, but he soon realizes that his mother is much too young just like himself and he comes to understand why she had to leave him right after giving birth. But when Ji-gu falls into a similar situation with his girlfriend, his mother whom he thought would understand is appalled at the news which creates a conflict between the two.

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