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23Oct2024 - 06:35 07 AM
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《ALWAYS 2 续・三丁目的夕阳》DVD
Code : 9555329227788
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :140 g
Staring :吉冈秀隆 , Hidetaka Yoshioka , 堤真一 , Shinichi Tsutsumi , 小雪 , Koyuki , 堀北真希 , Maki Horikita , 药师丸博子 , Hiroko Yakushimaru , 三浦友和 , Tomokazu Miura , 须贺健太 , Kenta Suga ,
Genre :Modern , Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Lambaian Filem ,

Bad-tempered, but soft-hearted garage owner Suzuki (Tsutsumi Shinichi) isn't any closer to becoming the next Toyota, though country girl Roku (Horikita Maki) is shaping up to be a great mechanic, and attracting some romantic attention, too. Suzuki's family of four plays host to seven-year-old relative Mika (Koike Ayame), but the spoiled city girl is less than impressed with their humble living conditions. Across the lane, struggling writer Chagawa Ryunosuke (Yoshioka Hidetaka) wants to prove himself to adopted son Junnosuke (Suga Kenta) and romantic interest Hiromi (Koyuki).

茶川(吉冈秀隆饰)思念着不辞而别的广美(小雪饰)独自度日在“铃木车坊”,六子(堀北真希饰)已经熟悉了工作,店里的生意越来越红火。则文(堤真一饰)的亲戚因为事业失败,让女儿美加(小池彩梦饰)暂时寄住在则文家。则文、知江(药师丸博子饰)和六子热情地迎接新家庭成员,只有一平对此很反感。 最终,茶川能拿到芥川奖,和淳之介一起生活么?他和广美之间还有机会么?等待着三丁目住人们的是怎样的未来?

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