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04Mar2025 - 05:10 28 PM
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JAPANESE MOVIE Sono hi no mae ni / Scenery to Remember / 在那天來臨前 by Shinichi Ichikawa (JM43)
Code : CL1470
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :Kiyotaka Nanbara , Hiromi Nagasaku , Toshio Kakei , Masayuki Imai , Morio Kazama , Manae Katsuno , Mai Hosho ,
Director :Nobuhiko Obayashi ,
Year :2008
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Kedai Buku Topwin ,

《在那天来临前》是日本直木赏、坪田让治奖、山本周五郎奖获奖作家重松清最催泪的作品。并于2008年,由被誉 为“影像魔术师”的日本电影名匠大林宣彦拍摄成电影《その日のまえに》,在日本上映后引起强烈的反响。《在那天来临前》也被日本读者评价为——这是一本 “让人泪流不止、绝对不能在地铁里读”的书。在日本全国曾一度引发了“关于死亡”的热门话题。《在那天来临前》一共7个故事,围绕着一个主题——“在死亡 那天来临之前”。每一个故事都讲述一段死亡,临死者的角色为朋友、亲人、自己,因不同的原因面临了“那一天”。不经意被中止的生活,爱着的人要辞世,曾有 的幸福转眼间逝去……你在做什么?你会怎么做?重松清用细腻的笔触,讲述了当事人与周遭的人迎接“那一天”的心境、行为、互动。包含着作者对生与死的思 考,虽然不以悲鸣语气表达离别哀伤,读起来却让人不自觉感动落泪。7个故事看似分离,却又...

A successful illustrator, Hinohara Takehiro (Kiyotaka Nanbara ), lives a happy life with his wife Toshiko (Hiromi Nagasaku), who has supported him all these years since the early struggling days, and their two sons. Feeling unwell, Toshiko has a check up one day and is told, out of the blue, that her days are numbered. When Toshiko is allowed out of the hospital temporarily, Takehiro and Toshiko travel to Hamakaze station. The town has changed a great deal in 18 years, however, the apartment where they started their married life is still there. People and scenery they used to cherish and the invaluable memories come vividly through. Starting at the place where their life as a couple began, the two prepare for "the day" while cherishing their remaining time. During the Bon festival, when the spirits of the deceased are believed to return to the living, Takehiro takes his sons to the firework display at Hamakaze and see the smiling face of Toshiko.

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