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26Mar2025 - 02:11 19 PM
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The Masked Girl 改造人女高中生
Code : 9955446622594
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :200 g
Staring :清水由紀 , 中村静香 , 佐藤子 ,
Director :金子功 ,
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD5 ,
Manufacturer :Phoneix Entertainment Trading ,

In The Masked Girl an ordinary high school student named Ai Hoshino(Yuki Shimizu)is kidnapped on her way home from school.She later wakes up and finds herself held captive in the hideout of ''Joker'' and the evil Black Maria(Aiko Sato).Luckily she's able to escape with the help of Aoyama(Tsuyoshi Kide),but not before being genetically altered by Joker-giving her super-human powers.While being pursued by agents of Joker,Ai confides in her friend Yumi(Shizuka Nakamura),but discovers Yumi has also been altered by Black Maria and brainwashed into swearing allegiance to joker.Ai gets a superhero outfit from Aoyoma and becomes ''The Masked Girl'' to confront Black Maria's minions.  普通女高中生星野爱在放学回家的路上突然被人掳走。恢复意识之后,星野发现自己身处黑玛丽率领的邪恶组织的秘密基地中。她在班主任青山的帮助下,逃出了基地,但已经被小丑施以手术成了改造人。星野遭到小丑的追杀痛苦不堪,她求助于好朋友片桐由美,却发现片桐已经被小丑洗脑成了他的忠实手下。片桐向星野痛下杀手。危机时刻,星野穿上了青山给她的强化服,变身为面具少女。拯救世界的少女开始大显身手,她要打倒所有的邪恶……


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