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    Code :SJ5425A
    Genre : Others ,
    Price : MYR15.80 SGD7.50 USD6.16 RMB42.66 MYR12.64 / SGD6.00 / USD4.93 / RMB34.13
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  • DVD Help !!! 辣手回春 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :9555186396542
    Genre : Comedy / Love ,
    Price : MYR9.90 SGD4.70 USD3.86 RMB26.73 MYR7.92 / SGD3.76 / USD3.09 / RMB21.38
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    Yan(张柏芝饰)进医院割盲肠时遇到了Joe(郑伊健饰)与Jim(陈小春饰) 两位医生,都给她留下了深刻的印象,也是她决心成为医生的缘故,她更打算嫁给他们其中一个。当她进入他们所在的医院当医生的时候,发现Jim变成了一个市 侩、没有责任心的医生,Joe更因为不满现今�...
  • DVD Goodbye Mr. Cool 九龙冰室 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :6602102000182
    Genre : Detective / Action ,
    Price : MYR12.90 SGD6.13 USD5.03 RMB34.83 MYR10.32 / SGD4.90 / USD4.02 / RMB27.86
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    江湖人物九纹龙(郑伊健 饰)曾经叱咤江湖,但这号风云人物却被人出卖,在泰国被拘捕。多年后他回到香港,在“九龙冰室”当侍应,打算就此在江湖销声匿迹。然而时隔不久,他回归的消息却不胫而走,使得江湖风起云涌。 九纹龙在做侍应期间,意外碰到一个叫他&...
  • DVD The Sorcerer and the White Snake / It's love 白蛇传说 (Eng Sub) China Movie
    Code :9555209010325
    Genre : Comedy / Love , Detective / Action ,
    Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
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    One day, a young herbalist Xu Xian (Raymond LAM) came to the mountains and accidentally fell into a lake. White Snake (Eva HUANG), in the incarnation of a beautiful lady came to his rescue. Her passion for this young man could not be contained, and w...
  • DVD Don't Go Breaking My Heart 单身男女 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :9555209009091
    Genre : Comedy / Love , Modern ,
    Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
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    Cheng Zhi En (Gao Yuan Yuan) comes from mainland China and works as an investment analyst in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong her personal love life and career are not running smoothly. His ex-boyfriend is married and the investment market suffers from financ...
  • DVD I Love Hong Kong 我爱HK开心万岁 / 我爱香港 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :7193640000691
    Genre : Comedy / Love ,
    Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
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    转载请注明出处,VCDDVD88.com敬上 Home 这是一个关于屋村的故事,也是一个关于香港精神的故事。屋村是香港人的集体回忆,也是香港奋斗精神的象征。吴顺(梁家辉饰)在屋村长大,是土生土长的香港屋村仔,但他已十多年未有踏足成长地。今天,他回�...
  • DVD Womb Ghosts 恶胎 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :9556500034966
    Genre : Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
    Price : MYR23.90 SGD11.35 USD9.32 RMB64.53 MYR19.12 / SGD9.08 / USD7.46 / RMB51.62
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    Life after death of a fetus inside a woman’s body exists as a Womb Ghost. Unnatural termination of such life will turn the baby into the most evil and vicious kind of spirit. A mental hospital is haunted by spirits, the mysterious miscarriage ...
  • ATV DVD The Men of Justice 法网群英 Vol.1-35 End ATV Hong Kong Drama
    Code :7193010000061
    Genre : A TV , Detective / Action , Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
    Price : MYR69.90 SGD33.20 USD27.26 RMB188.73 MYR55.92 / SGD26.56 / USD21.81 / RMB150.98
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    Attorney Tong Ka Ming (Ken Chan) has well connection with underworld gangster and police force. He all along thinks he can be an invincible attorney in the law court, not only because of his aptitude and wisdom, but also because of his orphan backgro...
  • DVD The Legend Is Born: Ip Man 叶问前传 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :9555186810291
    Genre : Detective / Action ,
    Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
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    This is a semi-biographical account concentrating on the childhood and teenage hood of IP Man, the first martial arts master to teach the Chinese martial arts Wing Chun. From this period of his life you could find out how IP has finally turned to suc...
  • DVD Triple Tap 枪王之王 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :9555186810277
    Genre : Detective / Action , Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction , Modern ,
    Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
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    It's all about playing with guns in this cops-and-robbers thriller with a twist. Louis Koo plays Ken, a champion shooter while Daniel Wu is Jerry, the police sharpshooter. When Ken foils an armed robbery and becomes a public hero despite killing a c...
  • DVD Vengeance 复仇 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :9555209005499
    Genre : Detective / Action , Modern ,
    Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
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    第62届康城电影节参赛作品,《复仇》是杜琪峰首次与法国着名歌手 Johnny Hallyday 合作,集合大脑鬼才韦家辉,以及《枪火》、《放.逐》的杜氏班底黄秋生、任达华、林家栋、林雪在澳门再度聚首,展开一次敌友难分的复仇行动。 擅拍黑帮片的杜Sir,把首次大银幕演出的「�...
  • DVD PTU: Into the Perilous Night 机动部队 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :9555186370283
    Genre : Detective / Action ,
    Price : MYR9.90 SGD4.70 USD3.86 RMB26.73 MYR7.92 / SGD3.76 / USD3.09 / RMB21.38
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    尖沙咀的雨夜街頭,危機重重,到處都是陷阱。即使是維持治安的警察,也自身難保,無辜失去配槍,進退兩難,在黎明前找不到失槍,面對身敗名裂的下場。 江湖黑幫大佬、重案組、� {帽子PTU、越境犯案的旗兵,一一牽涉在內……杜琪峰傾力泡制這個發生一夜之間的尋找失槍的�...
  • DVD Turn Left, Turn Right 向左走.向右走 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :9555186312979
    Genre : Comedy / Love ,
    Price : MYR9.90 SGD4.70 USD3.86 RMB26.73 MYR7.92 / SGD3.76 / USD3.09 / RMB21.38
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    刘智康(金城武饰)是小提琴家,蔡嘉仪(梁咏琪饰)靠翻译写作维生,两人居于同一幢公寓,却因彼此习惯不同:一个向左走,一个向右走,因而从未相遇。 两个寂寞的都市男女,虽处身于很现实的环境中,但仍坚持理想,对爱情充满盼望。英俊而略带忧郁的康,常为引来周遭女子的�...
  • DVD Assassins / Accident 意外 / 暗杀 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
    Code :9555186802319
    Genre : Detective / Action , Modern ,
    Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
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    故事发生在一个秘密暗杀组织内,古天乐扮演的杀手彻集团头目,带领叶璇和林雪执行一项杀人计划。杀人的手段是在目标放风筝时下手,然而突如其来的暴雨让整个计划转入了另一个方向。   大脑 (古天乐 饰) 是职业暗杀者,擅于策划天衣无缝的暗杀布局,行凶手法能令目标人...
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