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05Feb2025 - 02:04 11 PM
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DVD Triple Tap 枪王之王 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555186810277
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :古天乐 , 吴彦祖 , 李冰冰 , 蔡卓妍 , 杜汶泽 , 方中信 , 连凯 , 林雪 , 王敏德 ,
Director :尔冬升 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Detective / Action , Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Speedy Video Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

It's all about playing with guns in this cops-and-robbers thriller with a twist. Louis Koo plays Ken, a champion shooter while Daniel Wu is Jerry, the police sharpshooter. When Ken foils an armed robbery and becomes a public hero despite killing a cop, Jerry can't shake the feeling that his new friend may not be all he seems. Who's the villain and who's the hero? It would be hard to tell until the final shoot-out.


导致七死一重伤的四亿美元债券劫杀案,轰动全港;但案件最大的争议点,是将匪徒枪杀而救回警员性命的竟然是一名市民——四届实战射击枪王关友博 (古天乐饰)。   当大众激烈讨论这位救警英雄是否应被判上杀人罪时,探员庄子维 (吴彦祖饰) 决定正式落案起诉关友博,引起舆论及公众的极大回响。明知对方无辜,庄子维只有感到无奈。但盘问期间的一条问题...  导致七死一重伤的四亿美元债券劫杀案,轰动全港;但案件最大的争议点,是将匪徒枪杀而救回警员性命的竟然是一名市民——四届实战射击枪王关友博 (古天乐饰)。   当大众激烈讨论这位救警英雄是否应被判上杀人罪时,探员庄子维 (吴彦祖饰) 决定正式落案起诉关友博,引起舆论及公众的极大回响。明知对方无辜,庄子维只有感到无奈。但盘问期间的一条问题,令他对关友博起了怀疑,继而开始追溯他的背景。关友博最终无罪释放,但对庄子维来说,整件案件这刻才正式开始:跟踪、调查都未能令谜底揭盅,庄子维试图将自己代入罪犯的角色,剖析其犯案的动机,线索终于逐步出现。

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