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06Feb2025 - 02:53 18 AM
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DVD The Sorcerer and the White Snake / It's love 白蛇传说 (Eng Sub) China Movie
Code : 9555209010325
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :250 g
Staring :李连杰 , 黄圣依 , 林峰 , 蔡卓妍 , 文章 , 徐若瑄 , 姜武 , 杨千嬅 , 杜汶泽 , 罗家英 , 郭羡妮 , 林雪 ,
Director :程小东 ,
Year :2011
Genre :Comedy / Love , Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

One day, a young herbalist Xu Xian (Raymond LAM) came to the mountains and accidentally fell into a lake. White Snake (Eva HUANG), in the incarnation of a beautiful lady came to his rescue. Her passion for this young man could not be contained, and with the help of Green Snake (Charlene CHOI), she ventured into the human world and got married to Xu Xian. Fa Hai (Jet LI), a sorcerer from Jinshan Temple, whose mission was to subdue demons and slay monsters, arrived in town and detected a touch of evil from the medicine provided by Xu Xian. Xu Xian made White Snake drink some sulphur-flower wine on Dragon Boat Festival, and the lady immediately turned into a big white snake. Meanwhile Fa Hai came to subdue White Snake. Under confusion, Xu Xian used a sacred sword and wounded the large white python. White Snake escaped with serious injury. Xu Xian was grief-stricken and tried to make remedy by risking his life to obtain a spirit grass for his wife. Xu Xian got the grass but during the course was possessed by demons. In order to save him, Fa Hai kept him in Jinshan Temple. After taking the spirit grass, White Snake regained her strength and power and rushed to Jinshan Temple for her husband. She was overcome with rage after the failure to enter the Temple. In extreme frenzy, she summoned up a flood over the Temple causing death and damages.


相傳一千年前,在人類涉及不深的深山里,住著一群妖精靈獸。其中有青、白二蛇,徜徉山林之間,自由快活。 一天,年輕的採藥師許仙上山採藥,意外跌落山中湖,被千年修煉化身為人的白蛇所救。白蛇按耐不住心動,冒險前往人間。在青蛇的幫助下,白蛇與許仙相戀,互訂終身。 二人成親後不久,城裏出現了一場奇怪的疫病,善良的許仙心急如焚,白蛇知道這怪病是盤踞城中的九尾狐妖所為,為幫助許仙,不惜損耗自己的元氣製藥。 金山寺主持法海大師行走四方以降妖除魔為己任。法海察覺到杭州城內的妖氣,及時趕到收服了九尾狐。但是法海發現,那救人治病的藥湯裏竟然也隱藏了妖氣。 正值端午佳節,許仙與白蛇飲酒慶賀,誰知竟害白蛇現出原形。法海來到欲收白蛇,此時的白蛇已變做一條白色巨蟒,許仙情急之下用法海所贈法刀刺中巨蟒,白蛇重傷拼死逃走。 悔恨不已的許仙不畏千難萬險到雷峰塔盜取仙草救白蛇,可自己卻被塔中妖靈附體,法海為救許仙,把他留在金山寺。 白蛇服下仙草後功力大增,為奪回許仙,率青蛇硬闖金山寺,著了魔的白蛇根本聽不進法海的話,強攻不下之後狂性大發,發動水漫金山,導致生靈塗炭......

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