This drama is set within the backdrop of an emergency room at a hospital. The one hour you have to save a person’s life after a traumatic injury is what emergency physicians call "golden time". Lee Min Woo learns this all too quickly as he star...
"Sayonara Coach" Junichi Ishigami (Toshiaki Karasawa) is the coach for an archery team. One of his players, Naomi Mochiduki, is unable to take part in the Olympics and then she kills herself. The players are dismissed and the coach is forced out of t...
Frst grade elementary school student Tonbo (Yuma Kimino) is the type that's easily scared. One day, when he wears his dead mother's glasses, the ghost of his deceased mother Choko Uehara (Yukie Nakama) appears in front of him. His mother died three m...
Gardener Eikichi Onizuka (Akira) is pruning trees at a school garden as part time work. A student named Noboru Yoshikawa (Taishi Nakagawa), who is Azu Fuyuzuki's (Miori Takimoto) student, is about to jump from the roof. Eikichi Onizuka sees the stude...
Rei Tanizaki (Emi Takei) discovers a secret involving her birth and falls into despair. She meets ex-newspaper reporter Ryuichiro Kiyama (Yosuke Eguchi) and faces her fate. Ryuichiro Kiyama worked as a newspaper reporter, but due to an incident quit ...
A young daughter supports her father who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
Keisuke Kinoshita (Etsushi Toyokawa) and his only daughter Miu (Mana Ashida) live in the housing unit for Nakamura Factory, where Keisuke works. Keisuke's wife died 8 ye...
An tale of revenge, honor and disgrace, centering on a poverty-stricken samurai who discovers the fate of his ronin son-in-law, setting in motion a tense showdown of vengeance against the house of a feudal lord.
Sanpo Shimazaki (Shun Oguri) is a volunteer mountain rescuer. He climbs mountains all over the world and knows well the difficulties and the beauty of the mountains. Sanpo wants to share his knowledge of the mountains to others. When Sanpo is called ...