The story revolves around a young man named Mahigashi Teru. When he was young, his father, a brilliant surgeon, died in an accident, but not before saving Teru's ;ife. As a result, Teru also aims to become a great surgeon like his father, devoted to ...
The story centers around three sisters living together, though they have very different personalities, leading them to believe they have different mothers. One day, they each receive a letter from their dead father, with each indicating the title of ...
Recaently,Well-Known fashion brands "Kin Yuen"insteads to enter the paris market.Operators designer was wounded in the street,Fortunately no serious accident,but if there is something bad happends to him,it will bring much lose to holders of " Kin Yu...
A tire comes off a moving truck and becomes a deadly weapon, hitting a mother and a child. The problem was caused by the vehicle manufacturer's failure to recall the vehicle, but the blame falls on the head of the delivery company who, despairing, se...
This girl-oriented comedy revolves around three women living together - who dream hopelessly of being celebrities. The show follows the trio as they attempt to live like stars, combining fashion, friendship and juicy gossip. Tv-tokyo最新开播的深夜日...
A story about a masked samurai who takes sides with the good and wipes out the evil. In the late Edo period in Kyoto, samurai are killing each other because of the differences of their beliefs in the Tokugawa shogunate, and commoners are struck with ...
The story revolves around three ordinary girls named Asahi, Nami, and Hinata who are aiming to become idols, but they repeatedly fail in their auditions. One day, they witness a serious crime, and they are forced to flee from the culprits. Fortunatel...
Robot maker, Kronos Heaven, finally develops "Night Tenjo", the perfect male humanoid programmed to be devoted and completely loyal to his lover. The company chooses temp worker Izawa Riko to take part in a 5-day free trial. At first, Riko only sees ...
Beginning broadcast on KTV in October 2008, the concept drama series Mirai Seiki Shakespeare ("Future Century Shakespeare") gives six Shakespeare works - The Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, A Midsummer Night's Dream, King Lear and The ...
The story revolves around a young man named Mahigashi Teru. When he was young, his father, a brilliant surgeon, died in an accident, but not before saving Teru's ;ife. As a result, Teru also aims to become a great surgeon like his father, devoted to ...
An arson took it all away from Akiyama Kanon seven years ago. Her parents died in that fire, her brother was arrested as the prime suspect and her carefree life disappeared from that instant. She was shunned by the town as the sister of a murderer, y...
Utada Mamoru is a 32-year-old detective of Musashihara precinct who finds himself stifled by the corrupt police system. Then he is told by a black-suited man who identifies himself as Kanzaki, "You will die at 35." "We are 'superman' who are allowed ...
The story is about a young part-timer named Toru, who has no interest in social issues. He gets called in as a juror in the trial of a woman labeled as a "witch", charged with a murder over an enormous inheritence. Though it appears that she is defin...
The story revolves around a temp secretary named Kagami Yu who has no luck with finding a boyfriend. However, her true strength is her sense of justice. She faces off against various problems, such as the sexual harassment caused by her male co-worke...
Amamiya Kuniyuki is the unemployed son of a tonkatsu restaurant owner. He finds a job that requires a married person, so he lies by saying that he has plans to marry, and he is forced to keep up the charade using Hida Haruna, a part-time worker from ...
Worried about her younger brother Juntaro's future, Itako visits the soba restaurant that Juntaro runs. The store is known as the "Ikemen Sobaya", due to the good looks of Juntaro and the part-time delivery boys. Itako discovers that Juntaro does mor...
Egami Mei (Odagiri Joe) is a genius surgeon, but is somehow still lacking. On the other hand, his younger sister Satsuki (Nagasawa Masami) is poor at studying, but she has a good nature and a strength for living. "Boku No Imoto" is a human drama abou...
This series revolves around a group of peculiar detectives in a new division created to fight against an increase in atrocious crimes. Osawa Eriko is a beautiful career woman who has just returned from training in the U.S. and is appointed as the "bo...
Egami Mei (Odagiri Joe) is a genius surgeon, but is somehow still lacking. On the other hand, his younger sister Satsuki (Nagasawa Masami) is poor at studying, but she has a good nature and a strength for living. "Boku No Imoto" is a human drama abou...
Former yakuza Haruo is finally released from prison after completing his sentence. With nine years worth of prison gratuities in hand, he stops at a restaurant to enjoy a good meal, but all of his money ends up being stolen. With nothing left, he spe...
These days, the term "homeless" has taken on new meaning. There are youths referred to as "net cafe refugees", who have neither a job nor a place to live, but who find themselves hopping around internet cafes. One such refugee is a 20-year old girl n...
This series revolves around a group of peculiar detectives in a new division created to fight against an increase in atrocious crimes. Osawa Eriko is a beautiful career woman who has just returned from training in the U.S. and is appointed as the "bo...
Kuraishi Yoshio is a coroner known for his keen powers of observation and thorough investigations. The term "rinjo" is said to be police slang for the initial investigation carried out at the scene of the crime.
It all started with a "net cafe". The hero Toki Koichi is a soon-to-be father leading a complacent life. One day, he happens to stop by an internet cafe, and there he bumps into Kaho, his first love from his junior high school days. Having just fough...
The story spans three generations of policemen, starting with Seiji, a Pacific War veteran who becomes a cop but dies in a fire near his home. His son Tamio follows in his footsteps as a police officer, but he is killed in the line of duty by a drug ...
Mineta Chisato's mother dies of an illness and her father, who is saddled with a debt of 1 million yen, also disappears. In a bid to flee from the debt collectors, she ends up staying in internet cafes while on the run. Then she meets the president o...
After a young boy takes away another boy's life, the series draws the stories of their families as they cope with the tragedy. Both families are typical households that can be found anywhere, and the two mothers are just like any other, devoting thei...
The affair that Mahiro has been having with the married Yutaka has been the only escape from her troubled family life caused by her father's own extra-marital affair. Mahiro despises her father for his past infidelity but cannot bring herself to stop...
Sayama Michio is a young and callous beautician who will stop at nothing to fulfill his ambition(s). Coming from an impoverished background, he suddenly becomes the darling of the beauty world. He holds women who desire beauty captive and puts on sev...
The original writing is a short mystery collection that takes a humorous approach to many of the genre's cliches. Matsuda stars as the "famous detective" Tenkaichi Daigoro, while Kashii Yu plays the female lead as a rookie cop.
Sayama Michio ( Fujiki Naohito ) is a young and callous hairstylist who will stop at nothing to fulfill his ambitions. Coming from an impoverished background, he suddenly becomes the darling of the salon world. He holds women who desire beauty captiv...
This series is different from the past detective stories. The Lieutenant is collection of true mystery stories in which the detective, Ninzaburo Furuhata, must solve ingenious crimes and outwit elusive criminals. Although Ninzaburo Furuhata is a gove...
This series is different from the past detective stories. The Lieutenant is collection of true mystery stories in which the detective, Ninzaburo Furuhata, must solve ingenious crimes and outwit elusive criminals. Although Ninzaburo Furuhata is a gove...
This series is different from the past detective stories. The Lieutenant is collection of true mystery stories in which the detective, Ninzaburo Furuhata, must solve ingenious crimes and outwit elusive criminals. Although Ninzaburo Furuhata is a gove...
Kaoru Saegusa (Yuriko Ishida) is a cheerful and dynamic 30-year old woman who is still single. She works at the Tokyo Branch Office of Oedo Travel Agency. One day, she is sent to Hong Kong on business where she meets Shutaro Kamisanjo (Ryuichi Kawamu...
The tale of Tiger & Dragon revolves around Rakugo, a traditional form of Japanese comedy that can look back on an impressive 400 year long history. Nagase portrays the Yakuza follower Toraji who goes to a Rakugo performer to collect debts, while Okad...